What is Shiatsu massage?

Are you familiar with Shiatsu pressure therapy? It is one of the many healing methods originating from Eastern culture. It is based on traditional Chinese medicine and is often classified as a form of alternative medicine. Like acupuncture, Shiatsu massage focuses on acupuncture points. However, instead of needles, it uses fingertip pressure, which is why it is also known as 'needle-free acupuncture'. The aim ...

Chiropractic - is it an effective aid?

Bone setters were known in the most primitive cultures. Together with magicians, shamans and quacks, they were held in great veneration. Today, chiropractic is still very popular. But is it safe to take advantage of its possibilities? How did chiropractic originate? It is not really known how many centuries ago or where exactly chiropractic originated. It is said to have been used as far back as ancient China....

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