
Shockwave Wrocław - the way to pain

One of the most effective methods of treating a variety of musculoskeletal conditions is shockwave. The therapy increases blood circulation at the site of injury, which contributes to faster tissue regeneration. The treatments reduce the level of pain experienced and, what is more, have a relaxing effect at the end of the treatment. In this article, we take a closer look at the specifics of this method.

Fala uderzeniowa - fizykoterapia Wrocław
Fala uderzeniowa - fizykoterapia Wrocław MTS

How does shockwave work?

The use of shockwave therapy relies on the therapeutic properties of high-energy acoustic waves. Experts describe them as pressure pulses that generate mechanical forces and transfer their energy to the body's tissues. With a special feeder touching the skin, the released energy penetrates deeply into the human body. Before treatment, the specialist lubricates the injury site with a special medical gel to increase the effect.

Shockwaves are not only used to regenerate damaged tissue. They have a muscle-relaxing effect, increase collagen production and improve blood circulation. They also have an indirect effect on stimulating metabolism. By stimulating collagen production, they increase the firmness of the epidermis. Shockwaves are commonly used in diagnostic and therapeutic treatments. They have analgesic, defragmenting (breaking up calcification that has formed), as well as regenerative and relaxing effects. Shockwave treatment accelerates recovery from injury or musculoskeletal conditions.

Who is this treatment for?

Most patients opt for shockwave treatments in Wrocław due to post-traumatic and degenerative changes in muscles, joints or ligaments. The most important indications include:

  • dislocation, chronic condition ,
  • capsulitis,
  • painful muscle strain,
  • pain in the spine and peripheral joints
  • inflammation of muscles and tissues,
  • voltage assemblies,
  • post-operative scars and adhesions that cause discomfort,
  • arthritis,
  • hallux valgus,
  • heel spurs,
  • fascial dysfunctions.
  • tennis elbow
  • golfer's elbow
  • painful shoulders
  • jumper's knee
  • degenerative changes in the joints
It is worth mentioning that shockwave is one of those treatments whose scope of application continues to expand, especially in sports medicine. Moreover, studies confirm that this method is extremely effective in the treatment of heel spurs, tennis elbow or jumper's knee.

Contraindications to treatment

Shockwave treatment is non-invasive and completely safe for health. Despite this, there are contraindications to its use. Apart from cancer or epilepsy, the most important include:

  • pregnancy,
  • blood clotting disorders or use of anticoagulants,
  • advanced osteoporosis,
  • pacemaker,
  • very acute inflammation.

We encourage you to take advantage of the shock wave opportunity. You can make an appointment without a referral. We accept in Wrocław. Before the treatment, we invite you to a consultation with a physiotherapist.

terapia falą uderzeniową we  Wrocławiu
Starosłowiański masaż brzucha to inaczej terapia wisceralna

Wondering how to cure heel spurs?

Shockwave is an extremely effective treatment for this condition, come to MTS Holistic Therapy!


Is the shockwave treatment painful?

Shockwave can be experienced as uncomfortable or slightly painful, but the level of pain experienced can vary depending on the individual sensitivity of the patient and the area treated. The intensity of pain is low enough to not require the administration of analgesic substances. It is also worth noting that the pain may be short-lived and that relief and improvement may occur within a few days of completing the series of treatments.

What are the effects of shockwave treatment?

Shockwave therapy can have a number of therapeutic benefits and effects. One of the main effects of shockwave therapy is pain reduction. The use of shockwaves can help reduce chronic pain, pain associated with tendonitis, muscular pain and other musculoskeletal conditions. It also stimulates regenerative processes in the tissues, improves blood supply to the treated areas and reduces inflammation.

Can shockwave be used daily?

Shockwave treatments should be performed with an interval of 5-7 days. This procedure guarantees the safety and effectiveness of the therapy. The action of the shock wave on the tissues causes intentional micro-damage and inflammation. This stimulates the body's cells, which begin to regenerate and repair the treated area. After the wave has been applied for a latency period of five to seven days, a number of changes take place in the tissues, resulting in a therapeutic effect. Performing the treatment on a daily basis would deprive the cells of time to regenerate and disrupt the healing process.

Can there be adverse effects after shockwave therapy?

Shockwave therapy is non-invasive. The risk of side effects is minimal. In most cases, they are quite mild, only in the areas where the treatment was performed and disappear within 2-3 days.

Most common adverse effects:

  • redness,
  • swelling and puffiness,
  • feeling of pain,
  • subcutaneous haematomas.

Good to know



Shockwave is effective in treating sports injuries, joint pain, tendonitis and reducing symptoms associated with muscle strain. Many patients experience rapid pain relief, improved mobility and return to full activity. This therapy is safe, non-invasive and does not require a long recovery period. Our qualified staff will use a personalised treatment plan to suit your needs. Restore health and activity to your body - sign up for an appointment and discover how shockwave can change your life!

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