Homeopathy - what does it treat and what are its benefits?

Homeopathy is an alternative form of medicine based on the principle 'like cures like'. It was developed by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann in the 18th century. According to homeopathy, substances that cause certain disease symptoms in healthy people can be used to treat the same symptoms in sick people. What is homeopathy? The basic principle of homeopathy is the principle of potentisation, or dilution of ...

Medycyna alternatywna może być dopełnieniem metod konwencjonalnych.

What is alternative medicine and can it be trusted?

Alternative medicine is also called complementary medicine, holistic medicine, paramedicine or unconventional medicine. The definition is that alternative medicine is the diagnosis and treatment of diseases by methods that have not been or cannot be scientifically verified, or for which these studies have not shown effectiveness. They therefore have no proven effect on improving health. Many of these practices take...

Pinopresura to nowoczesna metoda terapeutyczna.

Advantages of pinopressure treatment

Pinopresura is a Polish method that was created by Radosław Składowski, a medical doctor. It combines conventional and unconventional medicine with the science of fascia, the somatic and vegetative nervous system and the morphogenetic field. What are the benefits of pinopressure treatment and what can it help with? What is pinopressure? Pinopressure, also known as pinotherapy, is a non-invasive and...

Przeskakiwanie żuchwy to nieprzyjemna dolegliwość.

Leaning jaw

Jaw displacement, also known as temporomandibular joint disorder, can be bothersome and painful. The temporomandibular joint is a combination of two bones separated by an articular disc. When the disc moves, there can be a snapping and popping sound in the joint. Causes of mandibular skipping Mandibular skipping, can have various causes. These include: Treatment of leaping mandible In the case of leaping mandible, several methods can be...

Akupunktura na kregosłup to skuteczna metoda leczenia.

Acupuncture for the spine

Acupuncture for the spine is considered one of the safest and most effective methods in natural medicine. Through the use of the correct puncture points, it is possible to eliminate various types of pain. Very often, only acupuncture is able to remove very troublesome ailments for which traditional painkillers are not effective. It also makes it possible to reduce the amount of medication taken. Acupuncture for spinal ...

Aromaterapia jest skuteczna na wiele schorzeń.


Aromatherapy is considered a form of alternative medicine. It involves the use of natural essential oils, which are introduced into the body through the respiratory tract, skin or mucous membranes. It is based on the use of known medicinal and therapeutic properties of plants. How does aromatherapy work? The aroma pathway from essential oils runs from the olfactory cells in the nose, to the olfactory system. It takes in...

Osteoporoza jest przyczyną złamań.

Osteoporosis and physiotherapy

Although primary osteoporosis associated with ageing is impossible to cure completely, its progression can be significantly delayed and slowed down. This will contribute to a secure old age and a comfortable life. What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is one of the common bone diseases. It is characterised by a progressive loss of bone mass and a reduction in the quality of bone tissue. The problem ...

Haluksy pojawiają się najczęściej u kobiet.

Hallux valgus - how to prevent it?

As the human foot is subjected to a lot of stress and various types of trauma, it results in various deformities causing pain and discomfort, as well as aesthetic problems. These include hallux valgus. What are hallux valgus? Hallux valgus is also known as hallux valgus and is one of the more common orthopaedic complaints. They occur much more frequently ...

Joga to starohinduski system filozoficzny.

Yoga - the path to perfection

Yoga is considered the path to perfection. It is an ancient philosophical system originating from India and has a huge following worldwide. What is yoga? According to one of the yoga masters Maheshwarananda, yoga is the path to God. In Sanskrit, the word has a wide range of meanings, but the primary one is 'fusion, union', understood as union with...

Masaż głowy to świetny zabieg.

Head massage - what is it effective for?

The scalp is highly innervated; massaging it stimulates the blood supply to the tissues, resulting in better oxygenation and nourishment of the hair follicles. Therefore, a scalp massage can lead to a reduction in hair loss. Head massage - how does it help? As is well known, massage is one of the more popular methods of stress reduction. It can reduce mental stress and physical tension....

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