suche igłowanie Wrocław


Dry needling is a method that involves the use of special, sterile, disposable needles to prick specific trigger points. These points usually occur within the musculo-fascial bands and are characterised by an extremely high level of sensitivity.

Unlike wet needling, where needles with a hole are used to administer, for example, corticosteroids, anaesthetics or other agents, dry needling involves the insertion of thin needles, used in acupuncture, without injection. The therapy is used to treat myofascial pain and musculoskeletal dysfunction.

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suche igłowanie - MTS Wrocław

Dry needling versus acupuncture

Both acupuncture and dry needling treatments use acupuncture needles. However, dry needling is not the same as acupuncture. Acupuncture is based on traditional Chinese medicine, while dry needling is derived from modern Western medicine.

It is a relatively new treatment, developed in the 1980s. Unlike acupuncture, dry needling focuses on trigger points. The difference between dry needling and acupuncture is that dry needling is used in cases of chronic and acute pain without the use of drug injections. In addition, a noticeable difference for patients is the length of time the needles remain inserted.

In acupuncture, longer retention of inserted needles is generally used. Needles are usually left in place for about 15 to 30 minutes. While dry needling takes less time and shallower penetrations are used.

What are trigger points?

Trigger points are stiff, hard areas of excessive tenderness in a tense skeletal muscle band that manifest as pain. There is a distinction between active trigger points, which cause spontaneous pain that occurs without pressure being applied to the muscles. Latent trigger points are sensitive to touch.
The most common causes of trigger points include: excessive strain on muscle structures, previous injuries, degenerative changes, surgery or internal organ conditions. They can cause a feeling of stiffness, reduced mobility and flexibility, as well as muscle weakness, muscle imbalance and impaired motor control.

Indications for needle therapy

Indications for dry needling are all kinds of strains such as shoulder pain due to tight muscles, Achilles pain with a lot of tight calves, 'runner's knee', 'tennis elbow', pain in the gluteal muscle area, lower back pain or neck pain. Dry needling focuses on problems associated with strained and tight muscles.

Over the last few years, needle therapy has increasingly become part of the work of physiotherapists. This is all due to the really good results obtained when working with patients. It is not only great for musculo-fascial problems with trigger points.

It can be used in cases like:

  • inflammation of the soleus tendon of the feet;
  • subacromial compression syndrome;
  • carpal tunnel syndrome (compression of the median nerve);
  • various types of tendinopathies (tendon disorders);
  • tension headaches;
  • spinal pain syndromes;
  • mobilisation of post-operative scars;
  • sciatica-like condition.


Dry needling therapy is not recommended for all patients. We can divide the list of contraindications into relative and absolute contraindications, which are worth reading before the described therapy:

Relative contraindications:

  • pregnancy,
  • mental illness,
  • increased risk of infection, e.g. HIV,
  • infectious diseases.
Absolute contraindications:

  • acute inflammation,
  • reduced blood clotting,
  • fever,
  • acute trauma,
  • haematomas,
  • spastic muscle tension,
  • lymphoedema,
  • tumours,
  • nickel allergy.
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Want to win the persistent battle against pain?

Dry needling treatment can be an effective method for you, take advantage of our help

suche igłowanie Wrocław

Is dry needling painful?

Needles are not associated with the most pleasant experiences in life. Often patients fear pain before the procedure. However, dry needling is often less painful than working with trigger points with the thumbs or elbow.

The idea behind the therapy is to tease the tender nerve fibre endings that belong to the current trigger point. The puncture and teasing produces a nerve impulse, which then travels through the spinal cord to the fibres of the muscle affected by the state of excessive tension. The conducted impulse triggers a reflex on the part of the muscle in the form of a local contraction. As a result, it leads to the relaxation of the structures, breaking the "vicious circle of pain and tension" and ultimately abolishing persistent pain.

In summary, the pain after the puncture lasts from 1 to a maximum of 4 days. It depends on the degree of tension present. We can compare the pain in most cases to the well-known sciatica. It occurs both at the site of the trigger point as well as in adjacent areas.

What are the advantages of needle therapy?

Dry needling can provide relief from some muscle pain and stiffness. In addition, the relaxation of trigger points can improve flexibility and increase range of movement. Therefore, this method is often used to treat sports injuries or muscle pain.

Do you feel that your muscles are overstretched or are you recovering from a sports injury?

Dry needling may be the ideal solution just for you. In addition to this, needle therapy can also be effective for limited joint mobility and for treating tendon injuries. For some patients, relief may be immediate, while others may need additional sessions.


Who is the dry needling treatment for?

Dry needling treatment, also known as dry needling, is a technique used in physical therapy and sports medicine, but not only! People with movement disorders such as limited range of motion, stiffness or asymmetry can benefit from dry needling treatment. Needling is used to improve flexibility and muscle function, which can benefit movement and performance. However, dry needling is most popular with athletes. It helps to treat injuries, speed up the rehabilitation process, improve performance and prevent injury. It is particularly effective for muscle injuries such as strains and strains.

Where do trigger points come from?

Trigger points come from factors such as:

  • age,
  • injury as a result of a fall or injury,
  • lack of tissue immunity,
  • poor posture and poor ergonomics at work,
  • too much training overload,
  • chronic stress,
  • vitamin and mineral deficiencies.


What are the symptoms affected by trigger points?
  • Limitation of range of movement,
  • loss of strength,
  • muscle weakness,
  • imbalances,
  • tension headaches,
  • postural instability.
Is dry needling treatment safe?

No additional therapeutic or analgesic preparations injected under the skin are used during the procedure. In addition, the needles are very thin and made of stainless steel. Hygiene and sterility are extremely important at MTS Holistic Therapy. The needles are disposable and packed in sterile packaging. Our specialists properly disinfect the skin prior to inserting the needles.

Is dry needling therapy effective in treating sciatica?

Sciatica is often associated with inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Dry needling therapy can help reduce inflammation by stimulating the local immune response and releasing endorphins, which have an analgesic effect. In addition, it has a relaxing effect on tense muscles that may be putting pressure on the sciatic nerve. Needles are inserted into specific points in the muscles to help reduce tension and pain.

What are the effects of dry needle therapy?

The most pleasing effects are the relaxation of deep-lying muscles, which are more difficult to affect by acting indirectly through the skin. The treatment results in precise localisation and therapy of the desired muscle. In addition to this, with the therapy you can obtain:

  • reduction of projected pain,
  • improving metabolism,
  • increasing the range of mobility,
  • reduction of musculo-fascial trigger point activity,
  • thickening of the fascial matrix,
  • sensitisation of the area in question.

Good to know


Dry needling

During dry needling, we stimulate selected points, thereby improving blood circulation and releasing natural analgesic substances. The therapy is extremely effective in reducing musculoskeletal pain, reducing muscle tension and relieving inflammation. In addition, dry needling can improve joint flexibility and mobility and support the body's regenerative processes. It is a safe and non-invasive method and our qualified therapists will provide a personalised approach to your treatment. Regain your freedom of movement and enjoyment of life - sign up for an appointment and experience the effectiveness of dry needling therapy!

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