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What is herbal medicine?

Herbal medicine, or phytotherapy, is a branch of natural medicine that uses the healing properties of plants and herbs to treat various health ailments and promote general health. Since the earliest times, people have been using the benefits of herbs. All cultures and societies have had their own collections of plants to serve as sources of food and medicine.

Plants and herbs contain a variety of biologically active substances, such as phytochemicals, which have positive effects on the body. These natural substances can have anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-cancer effects. In addition, they support various body systems, such as the digestive system, the circulatory system, the immune system and the endocrine system.

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What is phytopharmacology?

Phytopharmacology focuses on the search for and development of herbal medicines that can replace conventional pharmaceuticals mass-produced by the pharmaceutical industry. Many drugs available in pharmacies are based on substances derived from processed plant materials. In phytotherapy, a key aspect is the use of herbs in their natural form, i.e. roots, leaves, inflorescences, rhizomes and other plant parts. In addition, various forms of processing of plant raw materials, such as infusions, alcoholic extracts or macerates, are used to extract the active medicinal compounds from the herbs.

The aim of phytopharmacology is not only to search for effective herbal medicines, but also to study and understand the mechanisms of action of plant medicinal substances. This provides a better understanding of how herbs affect the body and how they can be used for therapeutic purposes. In today's world, where there is an increasing emphasis on natural treatments and avoidance of artificial chemicals, phytopharmacology is becoming an increasingly popular field of medicine. With more and more people seeking effective and safe alternatives to traditional medicines, herbal medicine is growing in importance and interest.

Herbal medicine - what forms do we distinguish?

Herbal medicine uses a variety of forms of herbal preparations to make effective use of the healing properties of plants. One of the simplest and most commonly used herbal forms is infusions. Preparation involves pouring boiling water over fresh or dried herbs and allowing them to infuse for a specified period of time. Infusions are mainly used for consumption as herbal beverages that have medicinal effects and promote health. Similar to infusions, but differing in detail, are decoctions. Herbs are boiled in water for a longer period of time, which allows for a more intense extraction of the medicinal components. Decoctions are used both for consumption and sometimes as gargles or skin applications.

The highly concentrated forms of herbal medicinal substances are the extracts we are all familiar with. They are available in liquid or powder form. Herbal extracts are used in dietary supplements or as an adjunct to other natural medicine preparations. Another form of herbal medicine is tinctures, which are herbal solutions prepared by macerating plants in alcohol. This process allows the active herbal substances to be isolated and concentrated. Tinctures are most commonly used for therapeutic purposes and their dosage is easily controlled with a pipette.

The most common and most frequently chosen by patients are undoubtedly herbal ointments and creams. Prepared from natural ingredients, they have a soothing and regenerative effect on the skin. They are used locally to relieve muscle and joint pain, heal wounds or support abnormal skin conditions.

Each form of herbal preparation has its own unique properties and mode of action. Remember that choosing the right form of herbal preparations depends on the individual patient's needs and the nature of the health complaint. If you are in doubt or want to use herbal medicine, it is always advisable to consult an experienced professional. An herbalist is the person who will provide you with all the most necessary information.

Herbs that most often support our health


It is a perennial plant with a pleasant fragrance, with grey-green leaves and blue flowers. It flowers from May to July. It is a popular herb, mainly used as a rinse for toothaches, but has many other uses. The Latin name of this plant is "salvia," derived from the word "salvare," which means "to cure" or "to recover." Sage has wonderful properties that are used in both medicine and cosmetology.

In traditional medicine, it is used to treat inflammation of the throat, mouth and gums. Researchers are also interested in the possibility of using sage to improve memory, which could be helpful in Alzheimer's disease.


It is a plant we know well for its characteristic, long-lasting flowers, which are usually dark yellow to orange in colour. We can often find it in rural home gardens, as well as on wasteland and roadsides. It has many beneficial properties, such as counteracting inflammation, stimulating skin regeneration and promoting the healing of burns, scars, cuts and other skin injuries.

Common thyme

It is an herb with unique properties that shows efficacy comparable to antibiotics in fighting various upper respiratory pathogens. With its antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, it provides powerful support for our respiratory system. The flavonoids it contains help to decongest the airways, making it easier to expectorate lingering secretions.

Thyme is also great for treating infections of the mouth, throat, gastrointestinal tract and skin, thanks to its properties that inhibit the growth of pathogenic fungi. Therefore, it can be an effective remedy for both mild and severe infections. It also has an extremely beneficial effect on our digestive system by stimulating the secretion of gastric juice and bile, which facilitates digestion and absorption of nutrients from food. Thanks to its slightly diastolic effect, it can help relieve some digestive discomforts.

Purple coneflower

This is a unique plant whose properties have long been the subject of intensive clinical research. This plant is recognised as one of the most effective immunostimulators, i.e. substances that stimulate our immune system. As a result, it has a positive effect on our ability to fight off various infections. Purple coneflower has been shown to soothe inflammation in the respiratory tract and joints, which can be particularly beneficial in cases of colds, flu, herpes, rubella, smallpox and measles. In addition, it has the ability to fight certain dangerous bacteria, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which can help treat tonsillitis, sinusitis, pneumonia and otitis media. It is worth noting that purple coneflower also exhibits antiviral, antibacterial and fungicidal activity, giving it a wide range of uses in the fight against various infections. Research also suggests that echinacea may have potential anti-cancer effects, particularly in the colon, which is a very promising finding in the fight against cancer.

MTS Holistic Therapy

Looking for natural treatments - turn to herbal medicine!

Consult an herbalist to choose the right way to support your body

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Is herbalism a natural remedy or a hidden threat?

Herbs are natural medicines containing many valuable substances that can have a positive effect on our health, but also potentially contribute to certain problems. When we talk about the risks associated with the use of herbs, it is worth noting two main risks.

Firstly, there is the possibility of overdose associated with the common belief that herbs are perfectly safe and do no harm, so they can be consumed in any quantity. However, some plants, such as wormwood, contain toxins such as thujone, which in the right doses can be beneficial, but if consumed in excess can cause serious health effects.

Secondly, there is a risk that some patients trust too much in the power of herbs and choose to forgo traditional hospital treatment and rehabilitation altogether. This is a misconception, as herbs and herbal preparations should complement holistic medical care. They can support traditional treatment, but should not replace it entirely. In some cases, such as digestive problems or menstrual pain, herbal treatment can be used as a one-off support, but for serious or chronic conditions, it is always advisable to consult a doctor and follow medical advice.

Phytotherapist at MTS Holistic Therapy

It would be a good idea, if you intend to undergo herbal therapy, to seek the expertise of someone with the right knowledge and qualifications. MTS Holistic Therapy hosts an herbalist, a certified phytotherapist, who, after an interview, will make appropriate recommendations for you regarding the list of herbs, as well as how and when to take them.

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Can herbs help improve beauty?

Some herbs can have a positive effect on improving beauty, mainly by supporting the health of the skin, hair and nails. However, it is worth noting that beauty-related effects are usually subtle and can vary from person to person. Not all herbs work the same for all people and results can vary. Plants with anti-inflammatory effects: such as chamomile, calendula or lavender can help to relieve skin inflammation. Herbs such as nettle, rosemary and field horsetail, on the other hand, are often used in hair and scalp care products.

Can herbal medicine be dangerous?

Herbal medicine can be potentially dangerous, especially when not used responsibly or in combination with other medicines or therapies. Some herbs may interact with specific medicines, which may weaken their effectiveness or increase the risk of side effects. People who are allergic to certain herbs may develop allergic reactions or intolerance. In addition, taking the wrong dose can lead to an overdose. Overdosing on herbs can be detrimental to health and lead to serious problems. Remember that herbal medicine can be beneficial, but you need to be cautious and consult a professional in the field.

How long can herbal medicine be used?

The duration can vary considerably depending on a number of factors, such as the type of condition, the type of herb, the individual reaction of the patient and the safety of long-term use of the herb in question. We can distinguish between short-term and long-term therapy. In some cases, such as colds, urinary tract infections or digestive complaints, herbal therapy can be used for a short period of time, usually from a few days to a few weeks. On the other hand, for chronic conditions, such as certain cardiovascular health problems, diabetes or digestive disorders, herbal therapy can be used for a longer period, even for several months or years.

At what time of day is it best to drink herbs?

When at what time is best to drink herbs is determined by the type of herb and the goal you want to achieve. If you want to relax and improve the quality of your sleep, then the evening is the best time to drink herbal teas with a calming effect, such as chamomile, lemon balm or lavender. If you need energy and stimulation, the morning is the right time to drink a stimulant herbal tea, such as peppermint or St. John's wort. Some herbs, such as peppermint or dill, can help with digestion and ease stomach discomfort, so drinking them after a meal can be beneficial.

Can herbs be used for a sudden headache?

Depending on what kind of pain we are dealing with, we can use the benefits of herbal medicine. If it is mild to moderate pain, we can use herbs such as peppermint, lavender or chamomile. Peppermint, known for its muscle-relaxing and tension-relieving properties, can help relieve a headache. Lavender essential oil, on the other hand, has a relaxing effect and can help reduce tension, which can contribute to headaches. Chamomile has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve headaches.

Can herbs be combined freely?

No, herbs should not be combined arbitrarily. Combining different herbs can have unpredictable effects, including negative interactions, side effects or weakening of the effectiveness of the herbs. It would be a good idea, if you intend to undergo herbal therapy, to seek the expertise of someone with the right knowledge and qualifications. MTS Holistic Therapy hosts an herbalist, a certified phytotherapist, who, after an interview, will make appropriate recommendations for you regarding a list of herbs, as well as how and when to take them. Our specialist can help you select the right herbs according to your individual needs and take into account potential interactions and health contraindications.

Which herbs can be drunk daily?

There are many herbs that are known for their health benefits and which can be drunk daily as part of a healthy diet. Here are some examples of herbs that can be consumed regularly as part of a healthy diet:

Mint is known for its refreshing taste and calming properties. It can be used to make teas that aid digestion and relieve stomach discomfort.

Basil is an herb with an intense taste and aroma. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. When added to food, it can support heart health and the immune system.

Turmeric is known for its yellow colour and anti-inflammatory properties. It contains curcumin, which can help fight various diseases, including heart disease and cancer.

Which herbs should not be drunk at night?

Many people are in the habit of drinking herbal teas before bedtime, as herbs mainly have calming properties and promote better sleep. However, there are some herbs that are not recommended to be drunk at night due to their potential stimulant effects or that may interfere with sleep. Such herbs include green tea. It contains caffeine, which is a stimulant and can lead to difficulty falling asleep. It is better to drink it during the day. Apart from green tea, black tea and Yerba mate are also not recommended before bedtime. Like green tea, they contain caffeine. White liquorice tea can raise blood pressure, which can disrupt sleep.

Good to know


Preparing a medicinal herbal infusion does not always require a visit to the herbal shop. In the suburbs or countryside, there are many herbs that can be found during an everyday walk. However, it is important to make sure that these herbs come from uncontaminated areas free of chemicals. Avoid picking herbs from areas near busy roads where there may be pollution from car emissions.

Remember, too, that many herbs have a holistic effect, meaning that they benefit the overall condition of the body. Others relieve specific ailments. Before taking any herbal infusion, pay attention to possible side effects and contraindications. Some plants can have very strong effects or negative effects on people with certain diseases, allergies or food intolerances.

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