
Treatment with medicinal leeches for many ailments

An all-natural treatment method is hirudotherapy. During the treatment, the therapeutic effects of medicinal leeches are used. They are carefully selected and come only from certified sites where their organisms are specially fed and isolated from others. Although leech therapy has been known around the world for centuries, it was only in 2004 that this method was officially adopted. Below, we take a closer look at the specifics of this technique.

How does leech therapy work?

Medicinal leeches have not only a local but also a systemic effect, and thus have a positive impact on the whole body. Leeches were once thought to suck out 'spoiled blood', which is obviously not true. Today, scientists agree that the beneficial effect on the human body is due to hirudin, a protein contained in the saliva of these animals.
When placed on the body, leeches secrete biologically and pharmacologically active substances that mix with human body fluids. The hirudin contained in the organisms' saliva has been shown to reduce blood clotting and, in turn, its associated substances relieve pain. Furthermore, the enzymes released by the organisms are characterised by bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. AND REGENERATIVE

How does hirudotherapy work?

At the beginning of the treatment, a qualified hirudotherapist places medical leeches on the patient's skin. The organisms then bite through the epidermis and suck a few millilitres of blood at a time. During this time, the body fluids exchange and the beneficial substances enter the patient's bloodstream. The whole procedure usually takes between 40 and 60 minutes. More often than not, it takes several visits to effectively deal with an ailment and improve one's health.

Treatment is individual. Depending on what condition the patient has come in with, there will be leech attachment points. Once the treatment is completed, the leeches are treated as medical waste and discarded. They are not used twice.

Hirudotherapy - how to prepare

Forty-eight hours before the scheduled treatment, the patient should prepare accordingly. During this time, it is forbidden to eat aromatic spices, e.g. curry, garlic, and to use oily cosmetics, which may form a chemical barrier to the leeches. Drinking alcohol is also inadvisable.

Leech therapy - indications

Most often, patients opt for leech therapy because they are looking for all-natural methods to improve their health, and hirudotherapy is one of these. The main indications for its performance are:

  • frequent migraines,
  • back pain,
  • hypertension,
  • varicose veins of the lower limbs,
  • haematomas and post-traumatic swellings,
  • rheumatic and degenerative joint and bone diseases,
  • skin allergies, psoriasis, chickenpox,
  • inflammations in the oral cavity,
  • severe menstrual pain
  • difficulties in getting pregnant,
  • gynaecological problems,
  • a tendency to heavy bleeding.
At MTS Holistic Therapy Rehabilitation Centre, we take an individual approach to each patient. The treatment is always performed by an authorised and trained hirudotherapist.
Starosłowiański masaż brzucha to inaczej terapia wisceralna

Are you plagued by frequent migraines?

Learn about natural healing and benefit from the therapeutic effects of leeches.


How much blood does one leech drink during hirudotherapy?

During a hirudotherapy treatment, one leech drinks between 5 and 15 ml of blood. The number of leeches that will be used for treatment is based on the size of the affected area.

Is the hirudotherapy treatment painful?

Leeches attach to the skin through a mouth ending in small teeth. They must not be detached. Importantly, the procedure is painless. As the leech begins to attach and prick the skin, the patient may feel a gentle sting, similar to a mosquito.

For which cases and ailments are leeches used?

They are mainly used in cases related to circulatory disorders such as varicose veins, venous thrombosis or haemorrhoids. The use of hirudotherapy can also help diabetics as it improves blood circulation in the fingers and toes. Leeches are now recognised as the most effective medicine for improving the functioning of the circulatory system. Substances present in the saliva of leeches have anticoagulant and analgesic properties and help improve blood circulation. In addition, hirudotherapy can be used to treat inflammatory joint conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or arthrosis.

Can hirudotherapy be used to treat pressure sores?

Hirudotherapy can be used to treat pressure sores, especially in cases where traditional treatments are unsuccessful. Medicinal leeches can help to cleanse the wound, stimulate the healing process and reduce inflammation.

What are the contraindications of hirudotherapy?

Contraindications are mainly diseases, related to the circulatory system. Patients with deep vein thrombosis, haemophilia and severe anaemia should not be treated with leeches. Other contraindications include the use of chemotherapy, HIV infection, skin cancer, high fever, active tuberculosis, and mental illness.

How do medicinal leeches affect the nervous system?

The history of the use of leeches goes back to ancient times when hirudotherapy was used to improve mood and wellbeing. Today we know that it has to do with the secretion of endorphins, known as happy hormones. They induce sedation, euphoria and have an analgesic effect. Consequently, medicinal leeches are used in neuroses, depression and to treat nervous tics. In addition, leeches secrete neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, histamine and acetylcholine, which are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Good to know



Hirudotherapy is a treatment method using leeches. It gives amazing results in the treatment of various conditions such as migraine, arthritis, varicose veins and skin problems. The treatments are safe, the soreness is minimal and the results can be surprising. MTS Holistic Therapy offers the help of highly trained specialists in hirudotherapy to provide you with professional care and comprehensive health support. Sign up today and discover the benefits of this unique treatment method.

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