Pain between the shoulder blades - how to deal with it?

Both pain between the shoulder blades and in the thoracic spine are common health problems worth addressing. The causes of these complaints can range from degenerative changes to liver disease or heart problems. Whatever their source, it is important to consult a doctor and carry out an appropriate diagnosis. It is also worth finding out what methods can help relieve pain and improve the condition of the spine. Take a look at our article where we discuss a variety of techniques for treating pain between the shoulder blades.

Nature of pain between the shoulder blades

Pain between the shoulder blades can not only affect the muscles of the back, but also the bony structures that make up the thoracic spine and the rib cage. Due to the connection between the thoracic vertebrae and the ribs, the thoracic section of the spine is the least flexible part of the spine. This structure is designed to protect the heart, lungs and support the breathing process.

Pain between the shoulder blades can take many forms:

  • Local - occurs only at one point, does not radiate and does not cause additional symptoms.
  • Diffuse - pain covers the entire thoracic part of the spine.
  • Intermittent - only occurs at certain times.
  • Increasing - increases during specific movements.
  • Tension - associated with excessive muscle tension in the thoracic region.

Pain between the shoulder blades - causes

  1. When it comes to pain between the shoulder blades, many causes are possible. It can be the result of an injury to the muscles and tendons in this area, poor posture, lifting weights, sitting in front of a computer for long periods of time or even excessive muscle tension during sleep. Pain in the shoulder blade area can also be the result of diseases related to the spine, such as degenerative changes, rib-transverse joints, scoliosis or disc changes.
  2. In addition to spinal problems, episodes of pain between the shoulder blades can be caused by various other conditions, such as internal diseases, cardiovascular problems, respiratory diseases, hemiplegia, shoulder joint diseases, cancer metastases and psychological problems.
  3. Remember that in most cases of back pain, it is due to incorrect posture. Sitting in one position for long periods of time, as well as working in an inclined position, can lead to pain between the shoulder blades. This is particularly acute for people who work in a sitting position for long periods of time, such as office workers, IT professionals or journalists. In these cases, poor posture and lack of movement can lead to pain between the shoulder blades, which negatively affects the thoracic spine and the muscles and soft tissues around it.
  4. Other factors that can contribute to pain in the shoulder blade area are improper training, mainly cycling and running. In addition to this, injuries caused by intense movements, for example when playing tennis. A proper warm-up and preparation of the muscles before exercise can reduce the risk of injury and pain between the shoulder blades.


We diagnose back pain between the shoulder blades by taking a detailed history. This includes the nature of the complaint, its location, the work performed and previous treatments. This is followed by an assessment of mobility and identification of activities that may cause pain. Associated symptoms are varied and include: pain under the shoulder blades, burning between the shoulder blades, back pain during breathing and radiating pain between the shoulder blades to the chest.

Sometimes it is necessary to extend the diagnosis with imaging tests. These allow us to exclude conditions that are dangerous to the patient's health. Ultrasound, X-rays, CT scans or MRI scans are recommended for this purpose - these are effective methods of differentiation. If serious diseases are suspected, laboratory tests may also be necessary.

Pain management methods

In the first stage of treatment for inter shoulder pain, analgesics are usually used. Their aim is to alleviate discomfort and reduce discomfort. Mostly non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, abbreviated NSAIDs, are used to eliminate back pain. In addition, topical ointments and pain-relieving patches, such as Itami patches, which are applied directly to the area of pain, may be used in therapy. Physical therapy treatments such as TENS waves, magnetic fields or ultrasound can also be helpful in reducing pain.


Physiotherapy for pain between the shoulder blades

A huge role in the treatment of pain is played by manual rehabilitation methods. Massage connective tissue, physiotherapy treatments, cranio-sacral therapy, dry needle therapy, pinotherapy and Indiba wave are just some of the options available that can have positive effects. Regular practice of yoga and other forms of stretching is effective in improving circulation in the muscles, increasing mobility and joint flexibility, and relieving pain.

In order to prevent complaints such as back pain between the shoulder blades, stabbing pain in the back when breathing, back pain at the level of the shoulder blades or discomfort in the back when inhaling, it is crucial to follow certain preventive recommendations. It is important to form the habit of maintaining correct posture. This means keeping an upright posture both when standing and sitting, and avoiding hunching. It is advisable to equip yourself with an ergonomic desk chair and cushions of the right shape. These cushions support the correct body position during sleep. You should also avoid lifting heavy objects, lift weights evenly and avoid carrying bags on one shoulder.

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