What is the sign of leg numbness?

The feeling of numbness in the legs can not only be bothersome, but also signals some abnormality in the body. While sometimes numbness occurs as a result of sitting in an uncomfortable position or crossed legs for long periods of time, it can often also be a symptom of more serious health problems. In today's post, we'll take a closer look at what might be causing leg numbness, when to go to the...

Back pain during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special time full of joy and anticipation of the arrival of a baby. However, it is also a period in which the female body prepares itself for the role of mother. These changes can be fascinating, but they are often accompanied by discomfort. One of the most common problems is back pain, which even affects 80% pregnant women. What is the ...


What helps with bruises?

Accidents happen, and Bruises are almost common occurrences. Sometimes they are the result of small, domestic situations, but sometimes they are the consequence of serious incidents. How do you relieve the pain? What are effective methods to help with bruises? What are the causes of bruises? Bruises, contusions or joint sprains are common injuries suffered by children and adults alike in everyday life....


Urogynaecological physiotherapy and intimate life

The intimate sphere is a significant area of life for both women and men. It has a significant impact on the overall quality of daily life. Lack of satisfaction with intercourse is a common problem in many relationships of both long and short duration. More and more people are becoming aware of the crucial role of sexual health and are seeking professional help in dealing with possible...

Sauna ma niezwykle korzystny wpływ na nasz organizm.

Sauna and its health benefits

Bathing in dry, hot air is known the world over. The people of South Asia, Central America and Europe have already got to know it. Although this type of relaxation was quite common in all neighbouring countries, in our country the sauna has only recently become popular. What is a sauna? A sauna is a room in which we stay at a high temperature and in...

Przeziębienie najczęściej dopada nas jesienią i wczesną wiosną.

The common cold - how can it be avoided?

In the autumn and winter, the unpleasant weather and the decrease in activity caused by the lack of sunshine results in a high risk of infection, and it is then extremely difficult to avoid catching a cold. On average, the average person catches a cold 2-4 times a year, while children can catch cold up to three times as often. Are there, therefore, effective ways to protect yourself from viral infections that increase in...

Akupunktura ucha sprawdza sie w wielu schorzeniach.

When does ear acupuncture work?

Ear acupuncture is otherwise known as auriculotherapy and has been used for centuries to treat many diseases. It is now a scientifically documented field of medicine. This is because the auricle contains receptors for all body systems and parts. Stimulating them through the use of small needles acts on the individual organs and their associated conditions. Ear acupuncture - what does the treatment look like First...

Home remedies for back and muscle pain

Physical work, having to lift heavy things, physical exertion at the gym or minor bruises - all these situations can result in muscle pain. For most people, it is back pain that causes the most discomfort, because basically every movement involves the spine. Chronic muscle pain means that we have to give up a lot of things because doing them is simply impossible. There are...

Back pain - what sports to do in summer?

Sunny weather, longer days and the eagerly awaited summer holiday season all make summer the perfect time to start your adventure with regular physical activity! It is worth knowing that every sport has its pros and cons. The right discipline can also help reduce back pain, joint pain and muscle aches. In this article, we present the best suggestions...

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