MTS Wrocław Łubinowa



MTS Holistic Therapy is located near the main street of Victory and Parish Streets. There is a free car park next to the building, so our patients do not have to search for parking spaces on the crowded city streets. In addition, other specialists such as a gynaecologist, dentist, neurologist, paediatric physiotherapist and ophthalmologist are available in the building. While waiting to see our specialists, we encourage you to pass the time with a cup of coffee. Call today and make an appointment.

Fizjoterapia MTS Łubinowa Wrocław

Do you wake up every day with back pain?

At our state-of-the-art physiotherapy and rehabilitation practice, you will meet specialists with a wealth of knowledge and experience. As a result, you can be sure that when you come to us, you will receive treatment that is safe and in accordance with the standards set. On your first visit, a thorough history will be taken and we will then proceed to a detailed diagnosis. This will enable us to select a personalised and targeted treatment using the best possible techniques to address the problem that is troubling you.


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