
The time of a child's development is a period in which a toddler undergoes many important changes in his body. Unfortunately, not all these processes always go as they should. Sometimes children can have motor development or posture problems. This is a normal part of growing up, although sometimes more serious developmental defects can occur.
It is worth monitoring your child's development and consulting a specialist if there are any worrying symptoms. Physiotherapist will help you understand what is going on and how you can help your toddler reach his or her full developmental potential. Caring for healthy child development is a key element of parental care. W MTS Holistic Therapy your child will receive professional help so they can develop properly.

fizjoterapia dziecięca Wrocław

What does paediatric physiotherapy do?

Paediatric physiotherapy is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of various health problems in infants, preterm infants and children. These problems can include abnormal muscle tone, body asymmetry, neurological and orthopaedic conditions.
Paediatric physiotherapy also includes support in sensory and psychomotor development of healthy children. In their work with children, physiotherapists aim to improve the daily functioning of toddlers, eliminate pains and dysfunctions and support their development. This is not only a therapy for children with health problems, but also for healthy children who may need support in reaching their full developmental potential. During paediatric physiotherapy a variety of techniques, exercises and treatments are used, tailored to the individual needs of each child, helping them to develop and enjoy good health. The range of activities in paediatric physiotherapy is very broad, but a thorough examination and appropriate testing to make an accurate functional diagnosis is crucial. This makes it possible to effectively support in children's motor development and adaptation of therapy to their specific requirements.

When is it a good idea to seek the help of a physiotherapist?

Symptoms to look out for in infants and young children are:

  • Bending the head backespecially noticeable when carried in the arms, which can give the impression that the child is pressing his or her occiput firmly against the parent's shoulder or chest.
  • Tendency to turn the head to one side, which can lead to flattening of the head on one side.
  • Trunk asymmetry, where one side is shortened and the other is lengthened, which can manifest as less activity on one side of the body.
  • Strong clenching of one or both fists and tucking the thumb inwards, especially after three months of age.
  • Turning the handles inwards.
  • Stretching or crossing the legs and balletic positioning of the feet.
  • Difficulty lifting the head when lying on the stomachespecially after two months of age or lifting the head without support on the arms or by bending the trunk.
  • Lack of onset of subsequent phases of motor development, such as crawling, quadrupling, etc.
  • Foot misalignment and gait pattern abnormalities.
fizjoterapia dla dzieci Wrocław

Are you noticing signs of concern in your child?

Paediatric physiotherapy will help diagnose and treat these problems!

Fizjoterapia dziecięca – NDT Bobath MTS Holistic Therapy

Paediatric physiotherapy - NDT Bobath

Is a treatment concept used to improve motor function in infants and children with disorders of motor development. It focuses mainly on the treatment of premature infants, toddlers and older children with a variety of neurological, orthopaedic, genetic and delayed developmental problems. The essence of this concept is a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to solving problems related to the child's motor functions.It takes into account not only physical aspects, but also cognitive abilities and the influence of environmental factors on the ability to participate in everyday life.

Vojta method

It demonstrates a neurophysiological approach, which includes both a diagnostic part to assess the development of the child's central nervous system and a therapeutic part. During the examination, the specialist observes and analyses the infant's spontaneous movements, both in the supine and abdominal positions, as well as his or her reactions to different body positions. The Vojta method, also known as reflex locomotion therapy, was developed in the 1960s by a Czech neuropediatrician, Dr Vaclav Vojta. It is used to improve the function and motor skills of children during development.

PNF method

It is a therapeutic technique that focuses on improving muscle and joint function in children. The main aim of this therapy is to improve the normal function of the musculoskeletal system. The PNF method is based on intensive stimulation of various receptors in the body and areas of the brain responsible for body movements. Through specially planned exercises, we try to facilitate movement in the area that may be damaged. The movements used in PNF correspond to the natural movements of the muscles and joints. They are performed in three different planes, which engages as many muscle fibres as possible. Repetition of these movements can help to restore normal movement patterns and, in turn, restore normal nerve conduction in the damaged area of the body.


Why track your child's motor development?

The first year of a child's life is a period in which significant developmental changes take place. Therefore, parents should observe very carefully whether their child is developing correctly. Early recognition and understanding of possible disturbances in the child's psychomotor development are crucial, allowing therapy to be started at the right time. Early intervention has to do with the plasticity of the brain, meaning that neurons can still change their connections, and this translates into the brain's ability to learn and adapt to change.

How does the rehabilitation of children proceed?

On average, every second child in Poland has problems with postural defects, and the first symptoms of ailments appear as early as several years after birth. The key and most commonly used form of rehabilitation for children is kinesitherapy. It is based mainly on treatment through movement. Thanks to a specialist who appropriately selects exercises, the child can increase strength and muscular endurance. In addition, it maintains or restores the range of mobility of individual joints, promotes coordination and balance and improves the child's breathing ability.

What rehabilitation treatments will help after a child's hand fracture?

It is a natural fact that children experience injuries, such as fractures, sprains or sports injuries. They then require rehabilitation to return to full function. Rehabilitation after a child's hand fracture depends on many factors, such as the child's age, the type of fracture, its location and the severity of the injury. However, there are some general rehabilitation approaches that can help you return to full function. Each case is unique, so our physiotherapists take special care to tailor rehabilitation to the smallest patients.

Can paediatric physiotherapy help with epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a neurological condition that requires the specialist care of a neurologist. Treatment of epilepsy usually includes pharmacotherapy, antiepileptic therapies and, in some cases, surgical or other advanced treatment interventions. However, paediatric physiotherapy can be used as a complementary therapy, especially in cases where epilepsy has led to certain medical or neurological problems, such as movement disorders or muscle spasticity. Physiotherapists help to improve motor skills, coordination, balance and improve the child's wellbeing.

Can clubfoot be cured?

Clubfoot is a congenital foot defect characterised by a "C" shaped curvature of the foot. Although in many cases this foot deformity can be cured or corrected, it all depends on its severity, the age of the patient and individual factors. For infants and young children who show signs of clubfoot, paediatric physiotherapy is often used to improve foot position and muscle and ligament development. Exercises and manual therapy can help to strengthen the muscles in the feet and to maintain their correct position when walking. As your child grows and is able to learn to walk, our specialists adapt the therapy to make their gait pattern as correct as possible.

Can paediatric physiotherapy only help with physical disorders?

Paediatric physiotherapy is not only a professional treatment, but also a means of emotional support for both children and their parents. During the course of therapy, cooperation and communication with parents plays a major role, as it helps to achieve the intended therapeutic goals. Within physiotherapy, therapists not only work to improve children's physical health, but also try to create a supportive and encouraging environment. It is important that children feel comfortable and safe during therapy, which affects the effectiveness of treatment.

Good to know


Why paediatric physiotherapy?

The human body changes over the course of a person's life. The physical structure of the musculoskeletal system, as well as the internal organs in children function slightly differently than in adults. Thus, in the case of illnesses and symptoms of nu minors, both medical and physiotherapeutic approaches must be completely separate. At MTS Holistic Therapy offices, we provide physiotherapy for children using methods and procedures available for their young age. Each patient is individually diagnosed and qualified for a specific physiotherapy programme prior to our intervention.

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