
MTS4RUN is a project that has been created for people who want to start running and would like to avoid the frustration of experiencing pain while pursuing their running adventure. It is a project that is also dedicated to people who have been running for many years and have a great deal of knowledge about their bodies, but still struggle with chronic pain in their knees, Achilles tendon, spine or shin splints.

MTS4RUN is a group of specialists that operates according to years of work with runners of all ages and running experience - from dynamic sprint distances to multi-hour mountain ultra runs. Our strongest point is patient diagnosis, which shows us the weakest links in the runner's body, followed by therapy based on the latest technologies that accelerate and intensify therapeutic effects.

Program MTS 4 Run jest to kompleksowy pakiet wizyt dedykowany dla pacjentów wymagających profesjonalnego oraz kompleksowego podejścia do swojego ciała na wielu poziomach. Program adresuje między innymi zagadnienia takie jak wydolność fizyczna organizmu, parametry biochemiczne oraz sprawność układu krążenia i układu hormonalnego. W ramach programu zapewniamy racjonalne i bezpieczne, a również co ważne - bezpieczne podejście do wysiłku fizycznego prowadzonego przez pacjenta.

Pojedyncza wizyta trwa 90 min, w czasie której pacjent otrzymuje kompleksową diagnostykę, w ramach której wykonywane są następujące badania:

- badanie posturalne, a więc diagnostykę komputerową prawidłowej funkcji stopy, wykonywane na specjalistycznej macie posturalnobarycznej. Celem takiego badania jest weryfikacja dokładnych obciążeń organizmu na stopy oraz czy są one prawidłowe. Daje nam to możliwość określenia poprawności funkcjonowania pracy całego ciała i wpływu na potencjalnie występujące dysfunkcje.

- badanie kardiologiczne z wykorzystaniem najnowszego technologicznie Holtera. Nowatorskie podejście umożliwia, po wcześniejszym poinstruowaniu pacjenta o sposobie podłączenia Holtera, analizę pracy układu krążenia podczas samego wysiłku. Tak więc, urządzenie w czasie rzeczywistym, podczas wysiłku, skanuje parametry sercowe i na bieżąco wysyła je do kardiologa. Otrzymane w ten sposób informacje umożliwiają bezpośrednie odniesienie wpływu wysiłku fizycznego na układ krążenia, dostarczając informacji nie tylko o jego bezpieczeństwie dla ciała pacjenta, ale także o wydolności i kondycji serca.

- podstawowy zestaw badań krwi, a więc pełna morfologia, profil lipidowy, enzymy wątrobowe oraz testosteron

- podstawowa suplementacja rekomendowana przez lekarza - kreatyna, kwas omega3, koenzym Q10, magnez + wit. B6 + D3K2

I oczywiście pełna uwaga oraz zaangażowanie naszego fizjoterapeuty, połączone ze wstępną terapią manualną 🙂


The therapy consists of a number of methods, such as manual therapy, trigger point therapy and MedKey, Indiba radio wave, TC Cryo cryolipolysis, and injury prevention along with runner's education and inspiration.
The treatments aim to:

  • pain relief
  • restoration of normal joint mobility
  • muscle relaxation
  • increase joint stability
  • accelerating the absorption of haematomas and post-traumatic oedema

If you are a runner and the above description is a reflection of your health condition or stage of your running adventure - sign up for your first consultation today - feel more flexibility in your body, let the pain disappear once and for all and make running your activity for years to come. With our therapy, you will recover faster after every competition and training session. Increased joint mobility will lengthen your running stride and relaxed and strengthened muscles will increase your endurance on runs, uphill, longer and shorter distances. With our state-of-the-art technology, we will help you to minimise muscle soreness during competition, as well as post-competition time.

Individuals with:

  • ITBS
  • shin Splints
  • jumper's knee
  • lateral patella protrusion
  • chondromalacia of the patella
  • heel tendonitis/heel spur
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • muscular contractures
  • piriformis muscle syndrome
  • Sprains, strains and tears of muscles
  • back pain
  • shoulder joint pain
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MTS4RUN - programme for runners

If you are planning to start regular running training, contact us


What are the most common problems for runners?

There are many problems with which runners come to the physiotherapist's office. Typical complaints in runners are runner's knee, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, Shin Splints, lumbar back pain.

What are the common symptoms of medical conditions in runners?

There are symptoms that runners often ignore that may indicate the need for physiotherapy intervention? These include joint stiffness in the morning, pain that appears after training but disappears during activity, tissue palpation tenderness (e.g. during rolling) and restrictions in joint mobility.

What could be the consequences of incorrect biomechanics in a runner?

Abnormal biomechanics can lead to muscular imbalances, which can lead to painful symptoms, for example, during regular training. During the visit, the therapist recommends several functional tests and then manually assesses the ranges of movement in the joints and tensions in the individual soft tissues.

How is the MTS4RUN supposed to support their health and sports performance?

The aim of the project is to restore fuller joint mobility, loosen tight tissues, reduce pain symptoms and educate the runner in pre- and post-training recovery and self-therapy.

What are the diagnostic and therapeutic methods in the care of runners?

The MTS4RUN project uses modern diagnostics and therapeutic procedures. In addition to classic physiotherapeutic diagnosis, an ultrasound examination is available. In order to accelerate and increase therapeutic effects, we use Indiba Activ technology, shock wave, TC CRYO, MedKey.

Who is the runner care project aimed at?

Every runner, regardless of age group, is included in an individual diagnostic and therapeutic process. In the MTS4RUN project, we use proven treatment standards. At the same time, every runner, regardless of age, experience and ability, can count on an individualised approach in the self-care programme.

What are the benefits of a physiotherapy care programme for runners?

The set of benefits we offer as part of the MTS4RUN project can be broken down into both short-term and long-term benefits. Every runner can count on a quick visit right after a fresh injury. In addition, preventive visits will keep his or her fitness at a very high level for a long training period.

Is the MTS4RUN programme for runners exclusively physiotherapist care?

The project plans a close collaboration between a physiotherapist and a running coach to optimise the care of the runner. In the project, in addition to specialists such as a physiotherapist, an orthopaedist and a psychodietician, the runner also receives care from a running coach. The MTS4RUN project not only brings together a number of specialists from many medical fields. The essence of the programme is their close cooperation, which allows the runner to achieve the maximum form available to him or her in a planned and safe manner.

What is runner education about in the MTS4RUN programme?

The project aims to educate runners about self-care to enable them to manage their physical health effectively. In addition to a therapeutic approach, it also aims to educate and inspire the runner to do the right thing both before and after training.

Good to know


MTS4RUN programme for runners

The essence of the MTS4RUN programme is comprehensive care for people who run. It is designed for both amateur runners and those who are highly experienced and intend to test their abilities at sporting events. If you are planning your participation in a marathon, half-marathon or quarter-marathon, then our programme is designed for you.

We offer support in many areas of runner care. From diagnosis and physiotherapy care, to appropriate therapies for injuries, to a comprehensive approach to education and self-education for those who love running.


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