
Naturopathy, also known as naturopathic medicine, is a comprehensive medical system. It is derived from a combination of traditional health care practices and approaches that were popular in Europe in the 19th century. It is a holistic form of medicine that emphasises support for the body's natural mechanisms of health and self-healing.

The main premise of naturopathy is the belief in the body's ability to return to balance and health through appropriate support and stimulation. Therapists focus on identifying and addressing the causes of illness, rather than just managing the symptoms. It is worth noting that health and well-being can be achieved by maintaining internal and external harmony.

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Within naturopathy, a variety of natural - complementary treatment methods are often used, such as:

And also: homeopathy, meditation, relaxation
Physical therapy methods, such as sauna or hydrotherapy. The choice of specific methods depends on the individual patient's needs and state of health.

How does naturopathy work?

Naturopathy is a holistic system of medicine that emphasises restoring balance and health to the body. It is based on natural methods and the support of natural self-healing mechanisms. The main tenets of naturopathy are based on the philosophy that the body has the ability to self-regulate and self-heal. Our therapists identify and remove the causes of illness, which provides long-lasting results. The action of naturopathy is based on a variety of natural healing methods. These include acupuncture, herbal medicine, hirudotherapy and relaxation, among others.

During the consultation, the therapist takes a detailed history to understand the whole picture of the patient's health, including lifestyle, diet, medical history and other factors affecting health. Based on this information, he or she develops a personalised therapeutic plan, which may include various natural treatments, diet and lifestyle changes and other recommendations to restore balance and health to the body.

Naturopathy at MTS Holistic Therapy

Herbal medicine is a branch of natural medicine that uses the healing properties of plants and herbs to support health, relieve ailments and treat various conditions. The practice has a long history and has been used by many cultures over the centuries.

Acupuncture is a method of pricking energy points on the body with a needle. It has its origins in Chinese Medicine, which dates back several thousand years. Maintaining the body's homeostasis is only possible when Qi energy circulates undisturbed through the body and supplies each cell with the energy it needs. A restricted flow of energy through the body manifests itself in the first stage as dysfunction, which further leads to morphological changes in tissues or organs.

The naturopathy performed at MTS Holistic Therapy also includes pinopressure. It is a therapeutic procedure which activates the body's self-healing mechanisms and uses specialised tools. The concept of pinopressure is based on Far Eastern healing knowledge combined with manual therapy, which is why it is so effective.

Another all-natural treatment method is hirudotherapy. During the treatment, the therapeutic effect of medicinal leeches is used. The leeches are cultured in isolated laboratory conditions, without the slightest contact with the outside world, which are fed in a controlled manner.

MTS Holistic Therapy

Looking for alternative treatments reach out to naturopathy!

It will help you combat unpleasant ailments

What are the indications for naturopathy?

Often, when nothing helps a bothersome ailment, patients begin to look for the most effective methods possible to bring the anticipated relief. Naturopathic treatments are usually not the first source of healthcare. Patients turn to them when traditional or other complementary treatments are not effective.

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  • Within naturopathy, our therapists provide help to reduce risk factors for heart disease such as hypertension, high cholesterol and excess weight. Through proper diet, physical activity and herbal medicine, naturopathy supports the heart and cardiovascular system.
  • Are you suffering from back pain? Naturopathy can use a variety of techniques such as acupuncture, massage, exercise and natural painkillers to relieve musculoskeletal pain and improve body mobility.
  • With its focus on dietary changes, physical activity and supplementation, this method supports the treatment of type 2 diabetes and improves insulin sensitivity.
  • It has also shown use in controlling PCOS. Through a low glycaemic index diet, exercise and herbal medicine, it improves hormonal balance.
  • Naturopathy can support mental health through relaxation techniques, meditation, movement therapies and natural supplements. Improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Other indications for naturopathy include:

  • chronic inflammatory conditions,
  • digestive disorders,
  • migraines,
  • allergies.


Who is a naturopath?

A naturopath is a specialist in natural medicine that focuses on promoting health and well-being through the use of natural methods and remedies. Naturopathy is based on the premise that the body has the ability to self-regulate and heal, and that natural remedies and techniques can support this process. Naturopaths use a variety of methods such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, relaxation techniques, exercise and others to support the health of patients. A key aim of naturopathy is to identify the causes of illnesses and ailments, rather than simply relieving symptoms. Our specialists work holistically, engaging with the patient's holistic picture of health and aim to improve it by encouraging healthy lifestyles, proper nutrition and natural healing methods.

Who can apply to see a naturopath?

The answer is quite simple: everyone! Are you noticing ailments in yourself that are worrying you, or perhaps you simply lack the strength for your daily routine? Our specialists work with patients with a variety of needs and health conditions, offering a natural approach to therapy. Patients with chronic health conditions such as allergies, autoimmune diseases, diabetes or digestive problems can seek natural methods to support their condition and reduce symptoms. Naturopathy offers relaxation techniques, herbal medicine and exercise to help reduce stress and improve emotional wellbeing. Those suffering from indigestion, intestinal problems or food intolerances will also find solace. Are you interested in natural healing methods? Would you like to avoid conventional medication? Come to MTS Holistic Therapy, where you will get alternative therapeutic options to restore your balance!

What distinguishes naturopathy?

A holistic approach to the patient is important, which means taking into account all aspects of the patient, including emotional and psychological aspects. In this approach, the human being is treated as a whole, and in order to effectively treat specific conditions, it is necessary to understand their source by analysing various factors, including those that may seem unrelated to the problem at first glance.

How can naturopathy help with digestive problems?

Naturopathy offers a number of ways to support people struggling with digestive problems through a holistic approach to health. We start by assessing the patient's diet and identifying potential sources of digestive problems, such as food intolerances, allergies or difficulties digesting certain ingredients. Based on the nutritional analysis, we can develop a personalised dietary plan, eliminating potential triggers for digestive problems and introducing healthy eating habits. The use of natural herbs and supplements can help alleviate digestive complaints such as indigestion, bloating or heartburn. Our specialists will also identify appropriate physical exercises that support a healthy digestive system and improve intestinal peristalsis.

How to deal with severe back pain?

A variety of natural - complementary - treatments are often used within naturopathy. These can help relieve severe back pain through a holistic approach to health. Relaxation or therapeutic massages help to relax tense muscles, improve circulation and reduce pain. Selected herbs, on the other hand, help to reduce inflammation and pain. For example, St John's wort herb or willow bark have analgesic properties. Sometimes a specialist may recommend acupuncture sessions, which can help reduce pain by stimulating energy points on the body. Breathing techniques, meditation and yoga also reduce tension and stress, which has the effect of reducing spinal pain.

Can naturopathy help with depression?

Naturopathy is an approach that can significantly influence mental health through various techniques and methods. One aspect of it is to support people suffering from depression. Naturopaths often teach their patients relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation or yoga. Such practices help to reduce the stress that often accompanies depression. Emotional support is also key. It helps patients understand the causes of their emotional state and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Good to know


Naturopathy is not intended to treat a specific disease. It is a form of complementary therapy, meaning that it can be used in conjunction with other medical and therapeutic techniques. Its approach focuses on supporting the body's natural health mechanisms and stimulating its ability to heal itself. It should not be considered as a substitute for traditional medical treatment, especially for acute or chronic illnesses.

However, in some cases, naturopathy can support traditional treatments, relieve symptoms, improve quality of life and promote overall health. Remember that every case is different. Our approach to health is personalised. We make all treatment decisions after a thorough assessment of the patient's condition and consultation with relevant specialists.

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