
Meditation - calm head, healthy body

In the daily rush of life, when we are surrounded by numerous responsibilities and stressful situations, time spent meditating can be an oasis of calm and breath. Not only is it a moment of tranquillity, it is also a practice that has numerous benefits for both body and mind. From improved memory to increased wellbeing, meditation has a powerful impact on our daily functioning. However,.


"Female moodiness" or premenstrual syndrome?

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a cluster of physical and emotional symptoms that women may experience before their periods begin. It affects almost half of women of childbearing age, and in one in five it significantly affects their quality of life. What are the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome? What tests are worth carrying out? What is premenstrual syndrome? Premenstrual syndrome ...


Pain in the wrists - causes and treatment

Working in an office, at a computer or in high-performance sports that involve the hands are just some of the possible causes that lead to pain in the wrists. This condition affects a large proportion of the population and can occur at any age. Wrist pain can significantly reduce the standard of living and may be the reason for giving up many favourite activities. However, what is important is that it can be prevented.

Training after pregnancy - when to start?

Physical activity during pregnancy and after childbirth is extremely important. There is a lot of talk on the subject these days. Light training after pregnancy does a lot of good for the young mother. It helps to correct posture, oxygenate the body and lose weight, which puts a strain on the joints and spine. When to start exercising? The standard post-partum period for a woman giving birth by natural means is about six weeks,...


How not to feel constantly tired?

In today's fast-paced life, a constant feeling of fatigue is becoming commonplace, affecting not only daily functioning but also mental and physical health. This phenomenon is often due to information overload, an unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity. It is worth understanding that fatigue has various sources, both physical and mental. We aim to take a holistic view of this...

What is ashwagandha and how does it work?

Ashwagandha is one of the most frequently chosen adaptogenic plants in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Why is it so popular in Poland? Mainly because of its unique properties, which become particularly valuable in a world full of stress, sleep problems and endless deadlines. What are the characteristic features of ashwagandha and when is it worth reaching for preparations with its...


What does urogynaecological physiotherapy help with?

Urogynaecological physiotherapy is a relatively modern treatment method that is gaining popularity not only in physiotherapy practices, but also in gynaecological clinics. In this therapy, the efforts of a physiotherapist and a gynaecologist are combined, with the aim of comprehensively examining the specific problem, defining a treatment plan and gradually improving daily function. What is urogynaecological physiotherapy? It is mainly aimed at women struggling with problems of...

Sauna ma niezwykle korzystny wpływ na nasz organizm.

Sauna and its health benefits

Bathing in dry, hot air is known the world over. The people of South Asia, Central America and Europe have already got to know it. Although this type of relaxation was quite common in all neighbouring countries, in our country the sauna has only recently become popular. What is a sauna? A sauna is a room in which we stay at a high temperature and in...

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