What is the sign of leg numbness?

The feeling of numbness in the legs can not only be bothersome, but also signals some abnormality in the body. While sometimes numbness occurs as a result of sitting in an uncomfortable position or crossed legs for long periods of time, it can often also be a symptom of more serious health problems. In today's post, we'll take a closer look at what might be causing leg numbness, when to go to the...

What is Shiatsu massage?

Are you familiar with Shiatsu pressure therapy? It is one of the many healing methods originating from Eastern culture. It is based on traditional Chinese medicine and is often classified as a form of alternative medicine. Like acupuncture, Shiatsu massage focuses on acupuncture points. However, instead of needles, it uses fingertip pressure, which is why it is also known as 'needle-free acupuncture'. The aim ...

Chiropractic - is it an effective aid?

Bone setters were known in the most primitive cultures. Together with magicians, shamans and quacks, they were held in great veneration. Today, chiropractic is still very popular. But is it safe to take advantage of its possibilities? How did chiropractic originate? It is not really known how many centuries ago or where exactly chiropractic originated. It is said to have been used as far back as ancient China....


Meditation - calm head, healthy body

In the daily rush of life, when we are surrounded by numerous responsibilities and stressful situations, time spent meditating can be an oasis of calm and breath. Not only is it a moment of tranquillity, it is also a practice that has numerous benefits for both body and mind. From improved memory to increased wellbeing, meditation has a powerful impact on our daily functioning. However,.

Training after pregnancy - when to start?

Physical activity during pregnancy and after childbirth is extremely important. There is a lot of talk on the subject these days. Light training after pregnancy does a lot of good for the young mother. It helps to correct posture, oxygenate the body and lose weight, which puts a strain on the joints and spine. When to start exercising? The standard post-partum period for a woman giving birth by natural means is about six weeks,...


Low back pain - how to relieve it?

Low back pain is a sensation involving the lumbar and sacral regions of the spine. It is a common ailment that more and more people are complaining about. Interestingly, more and more younger people are complaining of low back pain. What are the causes of this pain and what can we do to reduce the discomfort? Familiarise yourself with the symptoms that...

Dyspareunia - pain during intercourse, how to get rid of it? 

For most people, sexual intimacy is a pleasurable experience. It creates closeness in the relationship and releases tension from sexual needs. Sometimes, however, sexual activity is fraught with pain. In some cases, the discomfort reaches such intensity that it forces the patient to give up sexual activity. What is dyspareunia and who does it affect? Read more! What is dyspareunia? Dyspareunia is a persistent...

Medycyna holistyczna korzysta z ziołolecznictwa.

What are the characteristics of holistic medicine?

Holistic medicine is based on the assumption that the patient's body and the various spheres of his or her life form a whole. According to its principles, treatment is about restoring harmony in all these areas and not just about treating a specific part of the human body. The tradition of holistic medicine Holistic medicine has a centuries-old tradition. It was used, for example, in Chinese medicine. Also Hippocrates was ...

Spondylolisthesis - how to alleviate lumbar spine pain?

Pain in the lumbar spine can be extremely persistent and carry serious consequences. Some causes are non-threatening and resolve on their own, while others require specialist treatment. Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which the vertebrae of the spine move in relation to each other. Depending on the severity, it can be accompanied by back pain during everyday activities or even at night....

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