The most common injuries to runners

Running is a very popular form of physical activity, but it comes with a risk of injury, which usually happens when you least expect it. Which running injuries are beginners to the sport most at risk of? Although running has many health-promoting benefits, such as raising the metabolism, burning large amounts of calories and preventing cardiovascular disease,...

Physiotherapy and osteopathy - similarities and differences

Both osteopathy and physiotherapy can help with musculoskeletal complaints. Both are non-invasive therapies that aim to improve the functioning of all body systems. They are based on medical knowledge, knowledge of human anatomy and physiology and can complement pharmacological or surgical treatment. So what is the difference between an osteopath and a physiotherapist? What does it do ...

Trycholog to lekarz włosów.

What does a trichologist do?

The word trikhos means hair in Greek. Trichology is a branch of medicine that investigates and diagnoses problems related to the scalp and hair. It looks for their causes and proposes specific treatments. Who is a trichologist? Currently, we can meet two types of specialists in this field - the trichologist, who is usually a dermatologist, and cosmetic trichologists. They are sometimes...

Ayurveda - the mother of medical science

Ayurveda is one of the oldest healing systems that has been officially recognised by the World Health Organisation as one of the concepts of health and therapy. It is the ancient Indian art of healing and preserving the body's original balance. The name Ayurveda itself means 'knowledge of life'. It is therefore a philosophical system dealing with health, nature, purpose and meaning of human life. Ayurveda -.

Makrobiotyka łączy sposób żywienia ze zdrowiem.

Macrobiotics - you are what you eat.

Macrobiotics is more of a lifestyle than a specific diet. It is based on the idea that the food consumed and its quality have a strong influence on a person's life and happiness, and determine their physical and mental health. Its main objective is to maintain a balance between the female element yin and the male element yang. The principles of the macrobiotic diet were developed in 1920 by...

Porowatość włosów w dużym stopniu wpływa na ich pielęgnację.

Hair porosity

Today, porosity is considered one of the most important criteria for classifying hair. Determining the degree of porosity helps in finding the right care methods. This is because the choice of the right products for washing, conditioning and styling depends to a large extent on the distribution of the hair's cuticles and their separation. What is porosity? Porosity is defined by the angle of the hair's cuticles...

Tai Chi - martial art or effective rehabilitation?

Tai Chi is a specific Chinese martial art with a centuries-old tradition. It is sometimes referred to as 'soft boxing' or 'meditation in motion' because of its majestic, stately and rather slow sequences of movements. What is Tai Chi? Tai Chi, a traditional martial art, is based on energy flowing from within. The name Tai Chi itself is an abbreviation for a longer...

Przesilenie wiosenne powoduje wiele nieprzyjemnych odczuć.

Spring solstice - how to take care of yourself?

For almost everyone, the end of winter is associated with a distinct drop in form. We experience constant sleepiness, headaches and are less resistant to stress. In order to survive the spring solstice, it is worth focusing on regenerating the body. What is the best way to take care of it in spring? Why do we feel spring weakness? At the end of winter, we are usually hit by fatigue, a poor mood and excessive sleepiness. There is...

Drętwienie palców może być objawem wielu chorób

Numbness in the fingers - causes and home treatment

Numbness in the fingers usually passes quickly, however, it can be a symptom of a serious illness. The most common cause is degeneration of the spine, especially in the cervical region. It may also be caused by carpal tunnel syndrome or may be a sign of a more serious neurological condition. What are the symptoms of finger numbness? Numbness in the fingers of the hands is usually felt in the tips and pads of the...

Fototerapia leczy depresje sezonową.

Phototherapy - a way out of seasonal depression

Seasonal affective disorder, also known as seasonal depression, abbreviated SAD from the English name seasonal affective disorder, was first described in the 1980s by Norman E. Rosenthal. This type of depression is mainly characterised by the cyclical occurrence of symptoms and is distinguished by its treatment modality, which is mainly phototherapy. Statistics indicate that seasonal depression in the US alone ...

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