Who is affected by hair loss?

When it comes to hair loss, men come to mind first and foremost, but they are not the only ones affected by this unpleasant problem. Female pattern baldness is a less common phenomenon, but more acute due to the fact that hair is a symbol of femininity. The most common cause of hair loss on the head is genetic. This type of hair loss is referred to as androgenetic alopecia, and it particularly affects elderly people, both men and women.

Female pattern baldness - possible causes

The most common cause of androgenetic alopecia is the body's hypersensitivity to a chemical compound derived from testosterone. It affects the receptors of the hair follicles, causing the hairline to recede. As a result, the hair grows thinner and shorter until it eventually disappears completely. In contrast, androgenic female pattern baldness results in thinning hair on the crown of the head. The reasons for the loss of hair production in the hair follicle can also have other causes, such as disease, hormonal changes, chronic stress, medication or nutritional deficiencies. In the case of women, post-pregnancy alopecia often occurs, which is related to oestrogen levels. It can also accompany women suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Why is my hair falling out?

The problem of excessive hair loss can undoubtedly be the cause of a worsening of your general well-being, a loss of self-confidence and even depression. If you are struggling with this problem, know that it does not have to accompany you for the rest of your life! There are many treatments for excessive hair loss. However, in order to choose the right method, it is important to find the reason why the problem has occurred. The first and most important step is visit to a trichologist

A trichologist is a specialist who deals with the diagnosis, treatment and care of the scalp. On the first visit, he carries out a detailed assessment of the hair and scalp. This enables him to identify the problem. At MTS Holistic Therapy, you will meet qualified staff who can help you say goodbye to an unpleasant ailment! 

Undoubtedly, the key to curbing baldness and excessive hair loss is to choose the right treatment. A large proportion of the types of alopecia faced by our patients are reversible. However, early diagnosis and treatment is of paramount importance. Don't wait, if you notice excessive hair loss, come in for a trichology consultation. 


Female pattern baldness and Chinese medicine

Problems of excessive hair loss, according to the science of Chinese medicine, can result from various factors. The first is a problem with the blood, both in terms of quality and quantity. Massive blood loss, for example during childbirth, heavy menstruation, surgery or accidents, can weaken the blood, which in turn affects hair growth.

Another factor is the weakened function of the spleen, which is responsible for digestion, transport and absorption of food, as well as blood and qi production. Poor digestion and absorption of nutrients, as well as poor blood quality, can manifest as weak hair, such as dry, brittle, thin, thin, lacklustre and prone to falling out.

Weakened kidney function can also affect the condition of the hair, as the kidneys are responsible for the body's normal growth and development. Insufficient pre-birth Jing energy stored in the kidneys can lead to impaired hair growth and colour changes. Liver dysfunction also affects the condition of the hair, as it is the liver that distributes blood throughout the body, including to the head areas, which can lead to problems such as female pattern baldness. Excessive stress, poor eating habits, lack of sleep and especially lack of deep sleep between 1 and 3am can further weaken the liver. Ultimately, we encourage you to learn about simple ways to support the body's proper blood circulation in the head and neck area.

Hair loss prevention methods, treatment options

Hair growth can be supported by a healthy diet containing vitamins and minerals, e.g. iron, zinc. Avoiding stress and maintaining good general health also has a positive effect on hair health. Unfortunately, not every type of alopecia can be stopped or completely cured. Female pattern baldness or men does not need to be treated, but for aesthetic reasons that affect well-being, balding individuals seek to halt or reverse the process. Treatment is tailored to the cause of the hair loss. In the case of androgenetic alopecia, pharmacological treatment consists of stimulating the hair follicle by dilating its vessels or inhibiting the secretion of an enzyme that causes follicular atrophy. Treatments such as transplantation or hair transplantation are also possible.

Female pattern baldness - treatment at MTS Holistic Therapy

Learn about natural treatments that can be the solution to hair problems. One of these is acupuncturewhich allows disorders to be localised and, through appropriately selected treatments and lifestyle guidance, the therapist can effectively treat the underlying problems to support hair health.

Another effective way is to dietetics and herbal medicine. After diagnosis, the specialist selects the right herbs and foods to help treat underlying imbalances and improve the condition of the hair. Each patient receives personalised recommendations that are tailored to their individual needs and diagnosis.

Another effective approach is carboxytherapywhich can be performed on the scalp in case of hair loss. This treatment helps to improve microcirculation, oxygenate the tissues and stimulate hair growth and regeneration. During this process, small amounts of carbon dioxide are injected subcutaneously using a thin needle or a special device. The action of the carbon dioxide causes the blood vessels to dilate, which in turn increases blood flow and delivers essential nutrients to the hair follicles. 

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