Wide range of services

Modern methods

An experienced team

Multiple specialisations

Several locations

Close to the patient

Holistic approach

Looking for the source of the problem

Modern procedures in physiotherapy and rehabilitation

At the MTS Holistic Therapy Rehabilitation Centre, we focus primarily on new developments in methods of treating locomotor dysfunctions. The specialists working with us know very well that prevention is better than cure. And professionalism and an individual approach to each patient is one of our basic tenets.

Our capital - competence and knowledge

Team of specialists

Meet the people who help patients with their health problems.

The choice of method depends on the condition

Patients who come for appointments at MTS Holistic Therapy complain of various symptoms - primarily pain. These are located in different parts of the body. A physiotherapy consultation is used to determine the source. Often the cause is injury, microdamage or degeneration of muscle tissues, tendons etc. In addition to an interview with the patient, we use diagnostic tools and methods to fully diagnose the problem. Diagnosis allows us to select an appropriate treatment therapy or a combination of different procedures that alleviate the symptoms in a holistic way affecting either the tissue itself or reaching deeper into the cause.



Mariusz, 27

After every workout at the gym I felt a strange soreness in my lumbar region. Thanks to the physiotherapists at MTS, the problem disappeared. In addition, I learned from them what to do before and after training so that I don't hurt myself again 🙂 .

Laura, 34

I have suffered from bruxism and migraine for years. I have been treated by a neurologist and the treatment has helped me. But it is thanks to the treatments at MTS Holistic Therapy that I manage to prolong its effects. I would recommend it to anyone who has this problem.

Renata, 42

Thanks to pinopressure and massages, my neck and back pains have gone away. I use these therapies regularly. It really works 🙂

Our partners

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