Physical activity in winter - 6 ways

Cold and dark winter evenings are not conducive to physical activity. During the winter period, we like to spend time at home, savouring the peace and quiet and keeping warm. Physical activity in winter is significantly reduced due to the weather, we often cope with our depressed mood with the help of sweets. How do you stay in shape in winter? Here are our suggestions for winter activities! 

Morning physical activity in winter - gymnastics

When it's dark for most of the day, it's very difficult to get the energy out of yourself to perform. Daily gymnastics as soon as you wake up will help you start each day well. Instead of drinking another cup of coffee, do a few bends, jumping jacks or squats to rouse you from sleep. As little as 10-15 minutes of exercise a day is a boost of energy for a new day!

Hiking in the field

For those living in cities, regular trips to nature are a great option even in winter. A two-hour walk in the woods will not only give you a breath of air of better quality, but you will also decide to physical activity in winter. Such a leisure proposal would be ideal for the weekend. 

Walking venue

For people who don't want to leave the urban jungle, daily walks around the city are great. You don't have to specifically leave the house, you can take a circuitous route after work or walk one more stop. Parks and squares are also beautiful in winter. If you can find a piece of recreational land in your neighbourhood, you can organise a big snowball battle with the kids or go out for a walk with the dog. 

Physical activity in winter - skates and skis

Some people are just waiting for winter so they can enjoy playing their favourite sports. Among the most popular of these are certainly ice skating and skiing. The former will be ideal for those living in cities, as ice rinks can be found almost everywhere in winter. Physical activity in winter such as skis or skates involves the whole body and improves coordination, thus training all muscles holistically. 

Swimming pool 

If you don't like spending time outdoors, especially in winter, you can opt for a workout in the pool. The warm water and high temperature will certainly remind you of summer moments. A swimming pool is the perfect physical activity in winter for people who complain about back complaints. It is very all-round and affects many aspects of the body. See for yourself!

Physical activity in winter for those who persevere - jogging

If you run every day, there's nothing stopping you from staying with the training also in winter. Remember to protect yourself appropriately by using an anti-smog mask, as our body absorbs even more pollutants in the air when running. In addition, take care to dress appropriately and keep your body warm after your workout. 

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