Ból pleców doskonale leczy akupunktura.

Does acupuncture help with back pain?

Back pain is one of the most common types of pain. Approximately 80% adults suffer from it. Because of it, they experience limitations in performing daily activities. As it turns out, a very effective way to combat it is acupuncture. What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is one of the oldest therapeutic methods. It helps with ailments such as migraine, muscle pains, diseases...

Terapia ręki często bywa niezbędna przy wielu urazach.

What will hand therapy help with?

The human hand is made up of various muscles, nerves, bones and ligaments. An injury to the hand can occur at any time and should never be underestimated, as it can lead to even more complicated problems. Failure to treat and rehabilitate it can lead to disability in the hand, which is why hand therapy proves indispensable in many cases. Therapy...

Sauna ma niezwykle korzystny wpływ na nasz organizm.

Sauna and its health benefits

Bathing in dry, hot air is known the world over. The people of South Asia, Central America and Europe have already got to know it. Although this type of relaxation was quite common in all neighbouring countries, in our country the sauna has only recently become popular. What is a sauna? A sauna is a room in which we stay at a high temperature and in...

Medycyna holistyczna korzysta z ziołolecznictwa.

What are the characteristics of holistic medicine?

Holistic medicine is based on the assumption that the patient's body and the various spheres of his or her life form a whole. According to its principles, treatment is about restoring harmony in all these areas and not just about treating a specific part of the human body. The tradition of holistic medicine Holistic medicine has a centuries-old tradition. It was used, for example, in Chinese medicine. Also Hippocrates was ...

Bezdech senny to bardzo niebezpieczna choroba.

Physiotherapy and sleep apnoea

Snoring is not a disease, but a symptom of obstructed airflow through the throat. If it is an occasional affliction, it is not dangerous. However, if snoring occurs continuously and with it comes what is known as sleep apnoea, which means a complete lack of airflow through the larynx, it begins to threaten health. As it turns out, an effective remedy for sleep apnoea can...

Migreny to bardzo dokuczliwe schorzenie.

Can physiotherapy help with migraines?

Migraines are one of the most frequent reasons for visits to doctors' surgeries or pharmacies. Unfortunately, the excessive use of prescribed painkillers for these conditions is associated with numerous side effects. However, there is a good chance that physiotherapy can help with persistent migraines. What are migraines? A migraine, also referred to as paroxysmal headaches, is a type of neurological disorder,...

Przeziębienie najczęściej dopada nas jesienią i wczesną wiosną.

The common cold - how can it be avoided?

In the autumn and winter, the unpleasant weather and the decrease in activity caused by the lack of sunshine results in a high risk of infection, and it is then extremely difficult to avoid catching a cold. On average, the average person catches a cold 2-4 times a year, while children can catch cold up to three times as often. Are there, therefore, effective ways to protect yourself from viral infections that increase in...

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