Fizjoterapeuta dziecięcy dopomoże w wykryciu wad rozwojowych niemowlęcia.

Paediatric physiotherapist - when is it a good idea to see one?

Not all child development processes are always correct. Our children sometimes have developmental problems or difficulties with their posture. In order to ensure that your child develops correctly, it is advisable to have your child examined by a paediatric physiotherapist, who is predestined to work with toddlers. What does a paediatric physiotherapist do? Paediatric physiotherapy is related to...

Fizjoterapia stomatologiczna pomaga przy bolach żuchwy.

Dental physiotherapy - what can it help with and what are its methods?

Physiotherapy is generally associated with treatments for the back, shoulders or knees. However, the muscles of the neck and head and jaw can also be rehabilitated. Dental physiotherapy deals with the cranio-cervical-mandibular system and is used to reduce pain and the effects of chronic diseases and injuries. Its aim is to restore the normal mobility of the temporomandibular joints and to relax the surrounding...

Bioenergoterapia to skuteczna metoda leczenia wielu schorzeń.

Can bioenergy therapy help with depression?

Bioenergotherapy is a non-conventional treatment method in which the therapist uses his own energy to produce the desired healing effects in the patient. However, the therapist does not transfer this energy to the patient, but uses it to unblock accumulated energy in the patient and to balance the homeostasis of the body. With the help of bioenergy therapy, many physical conditions can be treated. Does it also work for the treatment of...

Akupunktura ucha sprawdza sie w wielu schorzeniach.

When does ear acupuncture work?

Ear acupuncture is otherwise known as auriculotherapy and has been used for centuries to treat many diseases. It is now a scientifically documented field of medicine. This is because the auricle contains receptors for all body systems and parts. Stimulating them through the use of small needles acts on the individual organs and their associated conditions. Ear acupuncture - what does the treatment look like First...

Ból dolnego odcinka kręgosłupa to bardzo powszechne schorzenie.

How to treat lower back pain?

Lower back pain, or lumbar spine pain, is a very common problem. It can be caused by muscle or tendon strain in the back, as well as disc injuries and skeletal problems. It most often affects people between the ages of 30 and 50. It is important to know that the most effective ways of treating it are adequate rest, medication and physiotherapy. Pain...

Masaż relaksacyjny służy duszy i ciału.

How do you choose the right relaxation massage?

In today's world of increased pace of life, and stress, we are increasingly accompanied by mental and physical health disorders. A tense and sore body is now a common problem and significantly affects one's well-being. It is therefore hardly surprising that relaxation massage is becoming increasingly popular. It is therefore worth knowing what types of massage are available,...

fizjoterapia stomatologiczna Wrocław

How to ensure a good night's sleep?

The right amount and quality of sleep are extremely significant for a healthy lifestyle. After all, a good night's sleep is very important for the efficiency of the immune system, mental health growth and cell renewal. Sleep deprivation usually results in a lack of concentration, physical strength and a poor sense of well-being. Why is sleep important for our health? During sleep, a number of vital functions take place...

Zapalenie stawu barkowego zagraża osobom w podeszłym wieku.

Shoulder joint degeneration - how to recognise and treat it?

Shoulder arthritis is a disease that is caused by progressive degenerative changes in the cartilage tissue of the shoulder. Over time, it also involves the bones, joint capsule, ligaments, muscles and tendons. This condition increasingly affects physically active young people. It is an inconvenient problem because a painful shoulder can make everyday activities difficult. The disease irreversibly destroys joint surfaces and restricts...

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