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Numbness in the fingers - causes and home treatment

Numbness in the fingers usually passes quickly, however, it can be a symptom of a serious illness. The most common cause is degeneration of the spine, especially in the cervical region. It can also be caused by carpal tunnel syndrome or be a sign of a more serious neurological condition.

What are the symptoms of numbness in the toes?

Numbness of the fingers is usually felt in the fingertips and fingertips. It is called parasthesia and opaque sensation, It can vary in character and severity, coming and going. It is characterised by tingling of both the fingers and the surface of the hand, It is caused by a restriction of the flow of nerve impulses from the spinal cord to the hand.

Causes of finger numbness

There are two main factors causing numbness: mechanical and thermo-chemical. It is most often the result of poor body positioning. When sleeping on the hand or resting the weight of the body on the hand, tingling may occur when the hand is relieved. Other most commonly cited causes include carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder sciatica and excess stress. Causes that cause numbness in the fingers of the hands also include:

  • structural disorders of the cervical spine,
  • intervertebral disc disease, e.g. disc herniation, discopathy,
  • injuries, e.g. fractures, dislocations and inflammation of the cervical vertebrae and spinal deformities,
  • rheumatic diseases,
  • soft tissue diseases and conditions such as: "tennis elbow" "golfer's elbow" ulnar canal syndrome, "Saturday night palsy", or radial nerve, Volkmann's contracture,
  • cysts, tumours and neoplastic lesions.

Finger numbness and spinal disorders

Cervical vertebral degeneration, or so-called cervical spondylosis, occurs as a result of degeneration of the intervertebral discs located in the lower cervical spine. Another common cause of numbness in the right arm is discopathy, a disease of the intervertebral discs.

Hand numbness and carpal tunnel syndrome

Hand numbness, especially at night, is a common symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome. It most commonly involves the thumb, index finger, middle finger and half of the ring finger.

Numbness in toes and brain diseases

Hand numbness can be a precursor to an ischaemic stroke. Its main cause is the stoppage of blood flow to the brain. Another cause of numbness may be the presence of a malignant brain tumour. It may then appear along with headache and epilepsy in both the left and right hand.

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Other causes of hand numbness

one of the most commonly diagnosed mononeuropathies, accompanied by tingling and sensory disturbances of the little finger and half of the ring finger, is ulnar nerve damage. Another cause can also be shoulder sciatica, with pain radiating from the neck down to the fingers, causing them to tingle.

Numbness in the hands as well as the legs can be one of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, Guillan-Barre Syndrome and rheumatological disorders such as Raynaud's sign. It is also caused by polyneuropathy. The most common causes include diabetes, Lyme disease, chemotherapy, vitamin deficiency or autoimmune diseases.


Tetany is the common name for neuromuscular conduction disorders. Its main symptom is paroxysmal numbness and muscle spasms, including tingling in the fingers and toes. It can be caused by an inadequate diet, the use of mineral leaching drugs and various disease processes.

The feeling of numbness in the hands may be due to a deficiency of components responsible for the proper functioning of the neuromuscular system. These include the B vitamins and especially vitamin B6, vitamin B12, as well as folic acid, magnesium, potassium and calcium. Severe stress or panic attacks can also lead to numbness in the hands and even paralysis of the entire body.

Numbness in the fingers - home remedies

You can try to deal with numbness in the toes by using exercises such as stretching the wrist muscles and the muscles of the front of the chest.

Herbal infusions of oak bark and celery seed are also among the home remedies that can help with finger numbness. Apple cider vinegar, fenugreek or honey with cinnamon can also be used. If the symptom persists over a long period of time, contact a doctor to diagnose the cause.

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