What is Shiatsu massage?

Are you familiar with Shiatsu pressure therapy? It is one of the many healing methods originating from Eastern culture. It is based on traditional Chinese medicine and is often classified as a form of alternative medicine. Like acupuncture, Shiatsu massage focuses on acupuncture points. However, instead of needles, it uses fingertip pressure, which is why it is also known as 'needle-free acupuncture'. The aim ...

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How do you choose the right relaxation massage?

In today's world of increased pace of life, and stress, we are increasingly accompanied by mental and physical health disorders. A tense and sore body is now a common problem and significantly affects one's well-being. It is therefore hardly surprising that relaxation massage is becoming increasingly popular. It is therefore worth knowing what types of massage are available,...

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Relaxation massage

A relaxation massage not only affects our health, but also improves our wellbeing. It can even be taken on a daily basis. Its purpose is to calm and de-stress the patient. What is a relaxing massage? A relaxing massage is a variation of the classic massage. Its main tasks are: Types of relaxation massage One of the basic types of relaxation massage is the classic massage which involves stroking,...

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