How not to overeat at Christmas?

Christmas is the time when all diets and healthy eating resolutions go by the wayside. The big Christmas Eve dinner or family gatherings at a lavishly set table make us eat too much, and with very limited physical activity, we don't get the chance to burn excess calories. This makes us feel sluggish and overloaded. How not to overeat at Christmas? Follow a few simple tips and you'll certainly manage. Let us give you a hint!

How not to overeat at Christmas - effective methods

In order not to feel the negative effects of overeating, it is worth controlling the amount of food consumed in the first place. The symptoms of eating too much include, above all:

  • a feeling of heaviness, 
  • sluggishness, 
  • heartburn, 
  • nausea, 
  • abdominal pain, 
  • flatulence, 
  • constipation. 

In more severe cases, vomiting and sometimes diarrhoea may occur. To effectively prevent the onset of overeating, it is worth following a few rules. 

Stagger your meals

The most harmful thing for the body is to eat a lot at once. Therefore, if you know that the holidays will be rich in a variety of meals, try to plan them in such a way that you can spread them out over time. Consume them every few hours and try to eat smaller portions. This will give you the opportunity to digest the previous meal before you start eating the next one. 

Drink plenty of water

Taking in sufficient fluids is very important. It stimulates the digestive system to work, which allows for a faster metabolism. Water also flushes out harmful substances from the body that we take in with food. To checkhow not to overeat at ChristmasIt is a good idea to drink water before meals, as it can provide a natural stomach filler, which will allow us to limit our consumption because we will feel full. 

Eat only what you fancied

Simple, right? Try to ask yourself each time if you fancy a particular meal and what portion will satisfy you. This way, not only will you eat as much as you want, but you will also train yourself to be assertive. Such an action will also have a positive effect on your relationship with food, as there will be no need for you to deny yourself the pleasure of eating tasty meals. 

Do your training at home

Even during the festive period, it is worth not forgetting healthy habits. If you exercise every dayAfter you have eaten, try to do a workout, albeit a lighter or shortened version. This will stimulate your digestive system, which will help you to get rid of the discomfort of overeating more quickly. 

How not to overeat at Christmas?

You already know, How not to overeat at Christmas. Apply these tips and you will certainly not feel sluggish and overloaded. If you have the opportunity, you can also slim down your Christmas meals a little by choosing to use less fat or sugar. Enjoy!

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