What is collagen and what is it responsible for?

Collagen is said to be one of the most important building blocks of our body. It is what contributes to the firmness, smoothness and elasticity of your skin. Proper collagen production makes you look prettier and younger. What is collagen, what function does it have in your body and what effects can a collagen deficiency have? Find out in today's article! What is collagen? Collagen...

How does EPTE electrolysis help?

Tendinopathy often affects people who repeat the same activities for long periods of time. It is a pathological condition that causes tendonitis. It is characterised by acute pain, the formation of swelling and a definite limitation of mobility. Tendinopathy is favoured by physical work in a forced body position and age. EPTE electrolysis is an innovative type of therapy that can effectively help with this problem. What is electrolysis... Continue reading

Muscle energy techniques

In the range of physiotherapy practices, you will sometimes come across the term 'TEM' or 'MET', which is unfamiliar to many people. This refers to Muscle Energy Technique (derived from Muscle Energy Technique), a specific way of working with soft tissues and joints to help improve muscle function and act as an analgesic. It is a collection of extremely versatile and effective working methods, recommended for professional athletes and all... Continue reading

Postural defects in children - how to prevent them?

Specialists are sounding the alarm: postural defects in children are a serious problem in Poland. It already affects up to 90% children in our country. Long hours spent in a school desk, in front of a computer or television, as well as an inappropriately selected backpack or a badly organised place where a child does their homework every day all contribute to the aggravation of this problem.... Continue reading

Post-workout regeneration, i.e. exercising efficiently!

An extremely important thing in physical activity is recovery after training. Many amateur athletes think that this is an unimportant recommendation. As a result, they exercise every day, often training the same body parts. Unfortunately, penetrating muscle pain or injuries of various kinds are common consequences of overtraining. What are the effects of post-training recovery? Rest between training sessions... Continue reading

Colder and colder - cryotherapy and its effects

Do you play sport? Do you struggle with a lot of pain? Cryotherapy is the answer. It is a versatile treatment that is an effective healing method. It involves lowering the temperature of body tissues, resulting in accelerated blood circulation. What is cryotherapy? It is a treatment that makes use of the natural human defence mechanisms. By lowering the temperature of body tissues, the body activates adaptive regulation mechanisms... Continue reading

The role of the physiotherapist and exercise during pregnancy

A woman's body changes dramatically during pregnancy. During this beautiful but demanding time, every mother-to-be should include exercise and appropriate physiotherapy treatments in her routine. In particular, exercise during pregnancy is extremely important. What problems do women face during pregnancy? During this time, the most common complaints arise from the musculoskeletal system, which is why so... Continue reading

Causes of migraines and headaches

Everyone has probably experienced a headache at least once. It is such a common ailment that it is usually underestimated and treatment is usually limited to taking a painkiller tablet. The causes of a headache can be many, ranging from trivial, easy to deal with, to serious illnesses requiring specialist treatment. The causes of a headache, especially the causes of migraine, should not be ignored as it is... Continue reading

Back pain - how to cope?

Back pain has long ceased to be an ailment of only the elderly. Since working in front of a computer has become popular, it is estimated that up to 80% of the population complain of back pain, which is most often caused by back problems. Due to its enormous extent, this ailment is ranked as one of the leading diseases of civilisation worldwide (Source: The Economist). Doctors ... Continue reading

What do leeches treat? Facts and myths

Treatment with medicinal leeches is called hirudotherapy, which is still regarded as a controversial method. Proponents of leech therapy emphasise that the animals possess nearly 100 valuable compounds that help humans cope with various ailments. However, sceptics claim that the method is not supported by any research. In today's article, we dispel the myths, promote the facts and look at what leeches cure. Check out the... Continue reading