Fizjoterapia Wrocław

Chinese bubbles - what do you know about them?

The use of Chinese bubbles comes from a long-standing tradition of Chinese medicine. The same is true of massage, which is gaining increasing popularity, particularly for its effectiveness in combating cellulite. How do Chinese bubbles work? Before delving into this subject, it is worthwhile to find out under what circumstances these methods can be helpful and for whom...

Masaż relaksacyjny służy duszy i ciału.

How do you choose the right relaxation massage?

In today's world of increased pace of life, and stress, we are increasingly accompanied by mental and physical health disorders. A tense and sore body is now a common problem and significantly affects one's well-being. It is therefore hardly surprising that relaxation massage is becoming increasingly popular. It is therefore worth knowing what types of massage are available,... Continue reading

fizjoterapia stomatologiczna Wrocław

How to ensure a good night's sleep?

The right amount and quality of sleep are extremely significant for a healthy lifestyle. After all, a good night's sleep is very important for the efficiency of the immune system, mental health growth and cell renewal. Sleep deprivation usually results in a lack of concentration, physical strength and a poor sense of well-being. Why is sleep important for our health? During sleep, a number of vital functions take place... Continue reading

Zapalenie stawu barkowego zagraża osobom w podeszłym wieku.

Shoulder joint degeneration - how to recognise and treat it?

Shoulder arthritis is a disease that is caused by progressive degenerative changes in the cartilage tissue of the shoulder. Over time, it also involves the bones, joint capsule, ligaments, muscles and tendons. This condition increasingly affects physically active young people. It is an inconvenient problem because a painful shoulder can make everyday activities difficult. The disease irreversibly destroys joint surfaces and restricts... Continue reading

Akupunktura a cukrzyca to zagadnienie stało się przedmiotem badań.

Acupuncture and diabetes

The prevention and treatment of diabetes is becoming one of the greatest challenges of modern medicine, as it has become one of the most prevalent diseases in modern societies. According to the World Health Organisation, 347 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes. In Poland alone, however, there are over 3 million. According to research, one way of combating this insidious disease is to... Continue reading

Zdrowie latem to ochrona przed poparzeniami.

Health in summer - how to take care of yourself on holiday?

At last we have the long-awaited summer. We are no longer wearing multiple layers of clothes and are eager to spend time outdoors catching the sun's rays. The summer holidays offer an excellent opportunity for the body's health, so it is worth taking advantage of them to build up immunity, boost serotonin levels and relax. So how do you look after your health in summer? Summer health - proper hydration In summer, the body... Continue reading

Zabieg kriolipolizy to skuteczna forma redukcji tłuszczu.

Will cryolipolysis treatment help to lose weight?

Cryolipolysis is a procedure that involves freezing tissue to cause it to break down. It is used for the rapid regeneration of muscles and joints and is recommended for all patients actively involved in sport. Cryolipolysis treatment helps to recover quickly from training, restore fitness after injury, and stabilise sugar metabolism. As it turns out, it can also be used to burn some body fat. What... Continue reading