Ból pleców potrafi być dotkliwy.

Back pain locations and causes

Back pain is a common ailment that affects many people. It can be caused by an incorrect sleeping position, spinal disorders or injuries. It is often caused by a sedentary lifestyle. It usually affects the lumbar region, neck and shoulders.

Back pain - causes

Back pain can have various causes. The most common are degenerative and inflammatory pain. However, back pain can also be the result of medical conditions, neurological, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, as well as a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, injury and overloading. Diseases that can manifest as back pain include:

  • degenerative disease,
  • ankylosing spondylitis,
  • discopathy,
  • osteoporosis,
  • bone tuberculosis,
  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • spinal tumours,
  • inflammation of the muscle attachments and ligaments of the spine.

Back pain can also be caused by injuries, muscle strains, postural defects, improper sitting and sleeping positions.

Types of back pain

Back pain can occur in various places.

Pain occurring in the thoracic region can be a symptom:

  • hemiplegia,
  • pneumothorax,
  • pleuritis,
  • in disease, lung and heart disease.

On the other hand, back pain at the level of the shoulder blades or radiating there may be caused by a disease of the spine
or gastrointestinal ailments such as gastric or duodenal ulcers.

A burning pain located behind the sternum is often caused by gastro-oesophageal reflux. On the other hand, when the pain occurs at chest level accompanied by nausea, palpitations, vomiting, anxiety or sweating, it may indicate a heart attack.

Back pain on the right side is often a symptom of sciatica or diseases such as:

  • kidney stones,
  • gallbladder stones,
  • pathological condition within the right ovary.

In contrast, pain occurring on the left side under the ribs is often caused:

  • gastrointestinal problems,
  • gastritis,
  • inflammations or cysts of the pancreas,
  • enlargement of the spleen,
  • left ovarian disease,
  • colon problems.

Back pain occurring in the lumbosacral region can be the result of:

  • injury,
  • osteoporosis,
  • degenerative and rheumatic diseases,
  • postural defects,
  • sciatica,
  • kidney disease,
  • endometriosis.
Ból pleców najczęściej pojawia się po 30 roku życia.

Back pain and bad habits

Back pain most often occurs in people with sedentary jobs, who do not undertake any physical activity or who have poor posture habits. Walking in high-heeled shoes also increases the risk of this condition.

Inappropriate habits can lead to scoliosis or lordosis causing pain in any part of the back. It is also fostered by being in a standing or sitting position for long periods of time and constant use of the lift and car, little exercise and weight gain. Poor posture habits such as slouching, carrying a schoolbag over one shoulder or adopting a bad posture often date back to childhood and lead to a deterioration in the flexibility of the spine. They also cause uneven strain on the spine, weakening of the back muscles and excessive muscle tension.

Back pain - risk factors

The main risk factors for the onset of back pain, include:

  • Age - back pain becomes more frequent as we age,
  • lack of physical activity due to weak, untrained back and abdominal muscles,
  • overweight,
  • diseases,
  • psychological conditions,
  • smoking - causing reduced blood flow to the lower spine,
  • improper lifting of weights,
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Back pain and mood disorders

Research indicates that chronic back or neck pain is strongly associated with mood disorders, as well as alcohol dependence and anxiety disorders. The researchers also noted that, back pain sufferers are more than twice as likely to suffer from disorders such as anxiety, depression, psychosis, stress or sleep disorders. Back pain increased the risk of depression by as much as three times and psychosis by more than 2.5 times.

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