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Physiotherapy - what does it help and how does it work?

What is physiotherapy about?

PhysiotherapyIt is defined as non-specific treatment using physical stimuli to restore the body's balance. It is sciencesąwhich aims to maintain, develop and restore a person's motor skills. It originates from a crop that has been cultivated since ancient times natural medicine i uses scientifically proven methods. They involve the use of centrethat naturalch, opych on forms of physical energy e.g. movement, thermal, kinetic, electrical, light and chemical stimuli. Physiotherapy is part of rehabilitation, i is intended to speed up recovery as well as facilitation patient return to fitness . Physiotherapy activities include the following conditions:

  • neurological,
  • the neuromusculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and respiratory .
  • orthopaedic and zjoint fracture or damage,
  • craniocerebral or multi-organ injuries,
  • osteoporosisa,
  • arthritis,
  • chronic conditionse,
  • transite strokey brain,
  • disorders after spinal cord injury,
  • a history of myocardial infarction,
  • fromcompany carpal tunnel
  • damagede dno pelvis,
  • lymphoedema.
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Which patients need physiotherapy?

Basicymi effectami the application of physiotherapy is removal and relief of pain, as well as preventing the recurrence of unpleasant ailments, improving the musculoskeletal system and individual organs, and consequently improving thea fitness.

Na need applications physiotherapy may indicate:

  • utrata of balance,
  • cConstant pain when working at a desk,
  • pain after injury,
  • trudeness of movement,
  • nUncontrolled urination.

Methods used by physiotherapyę

Physiotherapy consists of kinesitherapy, in which primary factor is movement and from physical therapy, using physical treatments such as:

  • Manual therapy- shall be applied it for injuries to joints, ligaments, muscles and capsular structures. Its components include massagee, muscle stretching, joint mobilisation, manipulation and specialised exercises.
  • Kinesitherapy -  exercise therapy. OIt involves therapy using different forms of physical activity.
  • Masage - otherwise mobilisation of soft tissues. Pomagician she relax the patient's muscles and reduce swelling in certain areas. It is used to relieve pain associated with sports injuries. It improves blood circulation and lymph and reduces swelling of the tissues around inflamed joints.
  • Electrotherapy is it's treatment with direct current and pulsed currents low and medium frequency. Nhe best she in patients with paralysis or severely limited range of movement.
  • Thermotherapy It is is a therapy that uses the following to treat thermal energy, delivered to the body (thermotherapy) as well as received (cold therapy).
  • Kinesio Taping - Kinesio tape applied directly to the skin has an excellent effect on stabilising joints and muscles during treatment
  • PNF- a method involving the restoration of lost movement function.
  • McKenzie - a method for the treatment and diagnosis of back pain resulting from overloading.

Other physiotherapy treatments

In addition, physiotherapy can make use of magnetic field treatment, health baths, light, inhalation and ultrasound. Methods based on such measures include:

  • Ultrasonotherapy - This method consists of ultrasound treatments that frequency provides a gentle method of targeting damaged tissue with soft beams.
  • Balneotherapy includes treatment with natural therapeutic raw materials. It includes peloid therapy, or peloid treatment, therapeutic baths, a drinking treatment, or crenotherapy, inhalations as well as irrigations.
  • Hydrotherapy is defined as water treatment under various forms, pressures and temperatures.
  • Climatotherapy is based on treatment using characteristics of the natural environment. It includes treatments such as. air baths, sea baths, sunbathing, inhalations marine aerosol.
  • Light therapy is a therapy that uses infrared radiationvisible and ultraviolet.
  • Magnetotherapy in which the impact of magnetic field,
  • Aerosol therapyinhalation or inhalations,
  • Spa treatment i.e. organised treatment conducted at the spa.
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