Back-related headaches

Sometimes headaches can be traced back to a spinal condition. Find out when this happens and how to remedy it!

Modern therapies

TRE exercises - do you know when they are worth using?

Nowadays, it is increasingly common to feel emotionally unbalanced and to struggle with stress and difficult emotions. Thanks to its simplicity and accessibility, TRE exercises are an interesting alternative and complement to traditional therapeutic methods in dealing with tension and stress.

Healthy lifestyle

How do you look after movement in autumn?

Cold, grey and wet, that's what the weather usually looks like in autumn. No wonder we find it harder to motivate ourselves to be physically active. However, movement in autumn is very important because it helps to strengthen the immune system and relieves back pain caused by autumn laziness or other illnesses. In order not to quickly fight off the autumn and winter pounds just before summer, it is worth taking care of... Continue reading

Urinary incontinence - how does physiotherapy help?

Among the numerous physiological problems, urinary incontinence also deserves attention. It is a problem that affects many people all over the world. Although it is mainly a female affliction, there is no shortage of men who also have problems with it. For women, the solution to the problem seems to be urogenital physiotherapy. A visit to a physiotherapist will be advisable for both the man and... Continue reading

Problems with your joints? We outline the causes

Joint problems are becoming increasingly common not only in older people, but also among the young. The various ailments that are associated with joints have different causes, but are nevertheless extremely troublesome. Unfortunately, some people underestimate the body's signs that something is wrong. Instead of going to a specialist, they decide to continue with their current... Continue reading

Rehabilitation after COVID - effects

Since the start of the pandemic, the number of cases of COVID has at times reached truly alarming levels. Although the vast majority of those infected passed over mildly or asymptomatically, no small number of patients were strongly affected by the virus. The effects did not always end with the passing of the disease, and a large proportion of these patients later complained of marked breathing difficulties. Not surprisingly, therefore, ... Continue reading

Painful intercourse after childbirth - causes

After the birth of a child, urological consultations and visits to the gynaecologist are extremely important. This is particularly important if we want to return to intercourse and do not want to be ashamed of our body. Other important appointments include going to a urogynecological physiotherapist and having a pelvic floor examination, which takes place at the end of the puerperium. It is the puerperium that is the time in ... Continue reading

Massage for pregnant women - is it worth it?

During pregnancy, women are accompanied by various discomforts such as back pain, foot pain, fatigue or stress. Pregnancy is not only a time of waiting for the birth of a child, but also a period in which a woman has to cope with many hormonal changes. It is worth alleviating the discomforts that occur with the help of an experienced physiotherapist. Find out which massage for pregnant women will be right for you.... Continue reading