Back-related headaches

Sometimes headaches can be traced back to a spinal condition. Find out when this happens and how to remedy it!

Modern therapies

TRE exercises - do you know when they are worth using?

Nowadays, it is increasingly common to feel emotionally unbalanced and to struggle with stress and difficult emotions. Thanks to its simplicity and accessibility, TRE exercises are an interesting alternative and complement to traditional therapeutic methods in dealing with tension and stress.

Healthy lifestyle

Does the weather affect health?

Muscle aches, headaches or feelings of weakness - although the weather itself does not cause illness or disease, dynamic changes in pressure or the onset of other conditions can intensify negative health symptoms. Nowadays, it is quite difficult for some people to connect the aura-related complaints that occur. However, after careful observation of one's health condition, it is possible to find some correspondences. In this article we will try to... Continue reading

What is fascia and how to care for it?

Until recently, the role of fascia was underestimated, but it is now recognised as a very important additional sensory organ found in the human body. It is the fascia that allows us to perceive and control body movement. A good physical therapy knows this. Wrocław is the place where you will find the best specialists! What is fascia? Physical therapy Wrocław answers Fascia is a thin, white membrane,... Continue reading

Stress and somatics - how do they affect each other?

Long-term stress can significantly affect our physical wellbeing. Stress and somatics are inextricably linked. A brain that is under a constant feeling of threat begins to trigger physical complaints to various organs. Thus, people suffering from chronic stress often experience pain in the head, muscles, spine, neck, limbs or abdomen. They may also experience an elevated body temperature, vomiting ... Continue reading

How can manual therapy help you?

When the musculoskeletal system becomes infirm, there are times when medication does not help. This is when manual therapy is worthwhile. It is one of the unconventional methods of treatment. It is a combination of physiotherapy and a holistic approach to the human body. Its aim is not only to relieve pain, but also to improve overall health. If you suffer from old injuries, numb fingers or something... Continue reading

Yoga during pregnancy - is it healthy?

Contrary to popular belief, moderate physical activity is extremely important for the proper course of pregnancy. It is advisable to consult a professional physiotherapist in order to find the most suitable techniques and exercises for you. Increasingly, ladies are using fitness clubs and studios to find exercise for themselves. At the same time, many people still wonder whether yoga in... Continue reading

What is pinopressure?

Pinopressure is an innovative therapeutic method developed in Poland. The approach combines the achievements of conventional medicine together with techniques used in alternative medicine. Pinopressure is categorised as one of the reflex therapies, based on the body's natural self-repair capabilities. What does pinopressure treatment consist of? Pinopressure is a relatively new method used on the borderline between physiotherapy and rehabilitation. The technique involves applying pressure and... Continue reading

Physiotherapy versus rehabilitation - differences

Most people wrongly use the terms physiotherapy and rehabilitation interchangeably. It is important to remember that they are different and are recommended for different problems. Although both therapies support recovery from injuries, relieve muscle and joint pain and reinforce a healthy posture, it is useful to know more precisely what they consist of. In this article, we have gathered the most important information about rehabilitation and... Continue reading