What do leeches treat? Facts and myths

Treatment with medicinal leeches is called hirudotherapy, which is still regarded as a controversial method. Proponents of leech therapy emphasise that the animals possess nearly 100 valuable compounds that help humans cope with various ailments. However, sceptics claim that the method is not supported by any research. In today's article, we dispel the myths, promote the facts and look at what leeches cure. Check out the...

Modern therapies

TRE exercises - do you know when they are worth using?

Nowadays, it is increasingly common to feel emotionally unbalanced and to struggle with stress and difficult emotions. Thanks to its simplicity and accessibility, TRE exercises are an interesting alternative and complement to traditional therapeutic methods in dealing with tension and stress.

Healthy lifestyle


Does pelvic muscle training increase the chance of pregnancy?

While healthy lifestyles and attention to fitness are becoming increasingly popular, reproductive health is also receiving increasing attention. One key aspect that is attracting attention, especially from women planning a pregnancy, is pelvic muscle training. These muscles, although often overlooked in daily workouts, play a fundamental role not only in the ability to... Continue reading

What does leech therapy help?

Hirudotherapy is a therapeutic method based on the use of living organisms. We are mainly talking about medicinal leeches, also known as hirudo medicinalis. However, it is worth noting that other species of these creatures are also used in different parts of the world. Although this method of treatment has been known for many years, it was only officially accepted as a therapeutic method in 2005. Read more... Continue reading


Urogynaecological physiotherapy and intimate life

The intimate sphere is a significant area of life for both women and men. It has a significant impact on the overall quality of daily life. Lack of satisfaction with intercourse is a common problem in many relationships of both long and short duration. More and more people are becoming aware of the crucial role of sexual health and are seeking professional help in dealing with possible... Continue reading

Dyspareunia - pain during intercourse, how to get rid of it? 

For most people, sexual intimacy is a pleasurable experience. It creates closeness in the relationship and releases tension from sexual needs. Sometimes, however, sexual activity is fraught with pain. In some cases, the discomfort reaches such intensity that it forces the patient to give up sexual activity. What is dyspareunia and who does it affect? Read more! What is dyspareunia? Dyspareunia is a persistent... Continue reading

What is ashwagandha and how does it work?

Ashwagandha is one of the most frequently chosen adaptogenic plants in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Why is it so popular in Poland? Mainly because of its unique properties, which become particularly valuable in a world full of stress, sleep problems and endless deadlines. What are the characteristic features of ashwagandha and when is it worth reaching for preparations with its... Continue reading

What is flat feet and does it require treatment?

Problems with correct posture are a common concern for many young parents. It is important to note that postural defects are not limited to the spine. Among the most common of these is scoliosis. Knee defects, on the other hand, are not uncommon and include valgus or bent knees. Often defects also affect the feet, taking the form of one of the most common defects, flat feet. What are the causes of ... Continue reading

What can heel pain mean?

Discomfort in the heel may occur at night or gradually increase during the day while walking. It can be a signal of serious medical conditions, but also of more minor ailments. It is important to understand the sources of this uncomfortable feeling and the methodology to avoid it. Are you experiencing uncomfortable heel pain? Read the article and find out what you can do to get rid of it! Heel pain - causes ... Continue reading