Tetanus - what is it and how does it manifest itself?

Tetanus is a subject that affects all of us. Nowadays, despite medical advances, it can still be dangerous. What do we really know about this disease? What are the symptoms of tetany and how can you protect yourself against it? Learn not only about the medical aspects of tetany, but also about practical tips for prevention. What is tetany? Tetany is a condition of excessive...

Modern therapies

TRE exercises - do you know when they are worth using?

Nowadays, it is increasingly common to feel emotionally unbalanced and to struggle with stress and difficult emotions. Thanks to its simplicity and accessibility, TRE exercises are an interesting alternative and complement to traditional therapeutic methods in dealing with tension and stress.

Healthy lifestyle

Does a therapeutic massage have to hurt?

Sometimes patients complain about therapeutic massage because of the pain they feel during the treatment or that persists for some time afterwards. Is this a standard phenomenon and should it cause concern? Let us tell you in today's article! What is a therapeutic massage? Therapeutic massage is a therapeutic treatment focused on eliminating dysfunctions and pain in the joints and muscles.... Continue reading

Treatment of insomnia with acupuncture

Sleep is fundamental to our health and well-being, but in the 21st century more and more people are struggling with insomnia. It significantly affects their daily functioning. In the search for effective treatments for this problem, many people are turning to Eastern medicine, and acupuncture in particular. This ancient technique, which involves the precise pricking of the body with needles. It offers not only... Continue reading

What is the sign of leg numbness?

The feeling of numbness in the legs can not only be bothersome, but also signals some abnormality in the body. While sometimes numbness occurs as a result of sitting in an uncomfortable position or crossed legs for long periods of time, it can often also be a symptom of more serious health problems. In today's post, we'll take a closer look at what might be causing leg numbness, when to go to the... Continue reading

What is Shiatsu massage?

Are you familiar with Shiatsu pressure therapy? It is one of the many healing methods originating from Eastern culture. It is based on traditional Chinese medicine and is often classified as a form of alternative medicine. Like acupuncture, Shiatsu massage focuses on acupuncture points. However, instead of needles, it uses fingertip pressure, which is why it is also known as 'needle-free acupuncture'. The aim ... Continue reading

Chiropractic - is it an effective aid?

Bone setters were known in the most primitive cultures. Together with magicians, shamans and quacks, they were held in great veneration. Today, chiropractic is still very popular. But is it safe to take advantage of its possibilities? How did chiropractic originate? It is not really known how many centuries ago or where exactly chiropractic originated. It is said to have been used as far back as ancient China.... Continue reading

Back pain during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special time full of joy and anticipation of the arrival of a baby. However, it is also a period in which the female body prepares itself for the role of mother. These changes can be fascinating, but they are often accompanied by discomfort. One of the most common problems is back pain, which even affects 80% pregnant women. What is the ... Continue reading

Physiotherapy in preparation for childbirth

More and more mothers-to-be are choosing to see a physiotherapist to prepare for childbirth. This is understandable, as physiotherapy during pregnancy is excellent for safely treating the most common ailments. Such as back pain, pubic conjunctival pain or swelling in the legs. However, visiting a physiotherapist before giving birth is an excellent idea! It helps to create good conditions in the body ... Continue reading