Is it worth choosing an acupressure mat?

Acupressure mats have recently become quite popular. Various celebrities, influencers and well-known personalities recommend and mention their beneficial effects. There are mats, cushions or whole systems on the market that allow you to stimulate all sections of the spine, but also the legs or feet. Still, many people wonder what the benefits of the acupressure mat. Is it worth it, Do I really need it and does it work? Well, it all depends on what ailments you have, but there is no doubt that using such a mat has many health benefits. 

What is an acupressure mat and what is it used for?

Acupressure is a concept derived from traditional Chinese medicine. It assumes that the application of pressure and massage on specific areas on the body, called acupuncture points. This is supposed to help with all kinds of tense and complaints of pain. Lying down on an acupressure mat, which can be frightening at first, therefore does not lead to a puncture of the skin, as with acupuncture, but to localised pressure on the muscle, which should eventually relax and let go of the painful tense. So if you are struggling with problems such as back pain, paraspinal muscles or arthritis, to probably be a beneficial solution in your case. All you need to do is lie down on your mat, distribute your weight evenly and remain still for a few minutes. During this time, any tightness should let go and the pain will subside. 

Advantages and disadvantages of acupressure mats

Certainly, the use of an acupressure mat is associated with many beneficial aspects. From a medical point of view, such a mat significantly improves the circulation of the skin, aids in pain reduction, relaxes, and thus, when used before going to bed, influences the quality of sleep, as well as supporting the treatment of stress and any tension caused by mental health conditions. 

However, many doctors and physiotherapists hearing a patient question Acupressure mat, is it worth it, is it for me? The answer is 'no' why? Well, the use of acupressure mats is not recommended for people struggling with any skin lesions or problems. Lying on even safe spikes can be painful and aggravate the problem. The use of mats is also discouraged for people following surgery, heart attacks or strokes. 

Acupressure mat, is it worth it and is it safe?

For those without contraindications to the use of the acupressure mats, using them is completely safe. However, choose the model carefully and only use tested, recommended products. The spikes should be made of high-quality, body-safe plastic. Only hypoallergenic and tested products provide a full guarantee that not only will there be no damage to the skin, but also no unpleasant allergic reactions. In physiotherapy, elements of acupressure are often used especially in the case of manual therapy. This is because effective treatment requires regular self-work, including at home. Many physiotherapists and physiotherapists therefore recommend purchasing a professional acupressure mat and lying on it for a few minutes a day. This mat is particularly suitable for complaints such as lumbar pain, neck pain or headaches caused by spinal diseases and injuries.

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