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Which herbs for joints and spine will work best?

Autumn is a time when many people experience joint and back pain. This is because this time of year is characterised by frequent changes in the weather, Fluctuating atmospheric pressure affects body fluids. This causes the fluid in the joints to thicken, resulting in a feeling of tension or pain in the joints. Both the elderly and active athletes suffer from these ailments. Many people who suffer from them trust the action of natural remedies. Herbal medicine This is because it offers effective herbs for joints that are well worth exploring.

Most common causes of joint and back pain

The main sources of joint and spinal pain are inflammation of the joints and the associated loss and degeneration of cartilage and the rest of the joint structures. This is because when minor damage to the cartilage increases, even a relatively young person starts to experience serious joint problems. This is particularly the case among athletes and people with physically demanding jobs.

The most common complaints are inflammation of the knee, ankle and hip joints, pain in the spine, as well as problems with the elbow or metatarsophalangeal joint. Joint pain is usually accompanied by symptoms such as redness or swelling.

It is worth knowing that many pharmacy synthetics used for joint pain and inflammation contain herbal extracts. These have analgesic properties. Thanks to them, they are able to eliminate the pain accompanying arthritis, reduce joint stiffness and eliminate swelling.

Herbs for joints and spine - effective remedies without side effects

Herbs are an essential ingredient in many pharmacy medicines, ointments and other preparations used to treat joints. They are also excellent for treating neuralgia and post-traumatic complaints. They are also very effective in supporting the treatment of rheumatism.

For joint pain, it is useful to have on hand resin bark or a hacorrhiza-based preparation. Rosemary, anti-inflammatory turmeric and antiseptic cloves also have a good effect. These can be added to a variety of dishes and drinks.

Aromatic baths with a few drops of rosemary or cedarwood oil, peat ointment, peppermint oil or arnica tincture can alleviate ailments in the cervical spine. A warming ointment of eucalyptus, marjoram or camphor can be effective for back pain in the lumbar and sacral areas of the spine.

Zioła na stawy i kręgosłup to skuteczne i naturalne środki.

What are the most effective herbs for joints and spine?

Suitable herbs help the osteoarticular system to function properly, which is a prerequisite for smooth human movement. Tablets, herbal teas, poultices, rubs or baths with the addition of herbs bring relief to people struggling with back pain, joint pain, muscle pain and neuralgia. The herbs should be used in several ways. Some of them support regeneration from the inside by providing many vitamins and minerals. Others are only suitable for external use in the form of poultices made from blended infusions or added to a hot bath.

An excellent anti-inflammatory and pain reliever is resinost root. It contains many active substances to soothe and regenerate joints and tendons. It reduces swelling and also warms and activates bone growth. Arnica montana, on the other hand, is used in the form of poultices on painful areas in chronic joint pain, muscle pain and rheumatoid conditions and to accelerate the healing of bruises and haematomas.

Another herb that relieves osteoarthritis is hacorrhœa, otherwise known as witch's or devil's claw. Its extracts and extracts are used in the production of lubricating gels and capsules. Devil's claw also aids in the treatment of injuries, inflammation and degeneration of joints and bones. It also relieves joint and spinal pain and reduces swelling. It is also helpful for people suffering from rheumatism and arthritis.

Rosehip powder also works well in the treatment of joint pain and osteoarthritis and is best used during the early stages of osteoarthritis. It reduces joint stiffness and allows regular physical activity.

St. John's wort, on the other hand, relieves neuralgia of various origins. Lavender also has an analgesic effect and helps with rheumatic and arthritic diseases.

For arthritic and rheumatic pains, on the other hand, eucalyptus can be used. Cloves, ginger and aniseed also have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The latter two, also reduce joint stiffness and swelling.

Other herbs for joints and spine

In addition to the above-mentioned herbs for joint and back pain ailments can be used:

  • moringa oleifera,
  • Peruvian cherimoya,
  • maca root,
  • Malabar tamarind,
  • bear garlic,
  • swamp elm,
  • allspice.
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