Back-related headaches

Sometimes headaches can be traced back to a spinal condition. Find out when this happens and how to remedy it!

Modern therapies

TRE exercises - do you know when they are worth using?

Nowadays, it is increasingly common to feel emotionally unbalanced and to struggle with stress and difficult emotions. Thanks to its simplicity and accessibility, TRE exercises are an interesting alternative and complement to traditional therapeutic methods in dealing with tension and stress.

Healthy lifestyle

When is it worth going for a massage?

Clients go for a massage when they feel stressed and tense. This is great, because even a short treatment allows you to relax properly and reduces muscle tension. In this article, we suggest when it is still a good idea to go for a massage and provide a breakdown of the types that have specific effects. Massage is the most popular relaxation treatment! The most popular relaxation treatment is the... Continue reading

Is walrushing safe?

For some time now, walrushing has become one of the most popular forms of spending time actively in winter. Not everyone likes to spend Sunday mornings in the company of hot coffee and a good book... In this article, we answer the question of whether walrting is safe, how it affects our organism and what are the key contraindications in the case of which we should not walrus. Be sure to check it out! The impact of ... Continue reading

New Year's Eve diets - everything you need to know

Lingering food and bloating are common symptoms of festive overeating, resulting in a slightly larger belly and the accumulation of fat elsewhere on the body. Such a silhouette does not necessarily fit into our New Year's Eve outfit. How do popular New Year's Eve diets cope and is it worth following them a few days before the party. Here are our tips! New Year's Eve diets - 6 risks ... Continue reading

Physical activity in winter - 6 ways

Cold and dark winter evenings are not conducive to physical activity. During the winter period, we like to spend time at home, savouring the peace and quiet and keeping warm. Physical activity in winter is greatly reduced due to the weather, and we often cope with our depressed mood with the help of sweets. How do you stay in shape in winter? Here are our suggestions for winter activities! Morning activity ... Continue reading