Back pain - how to cope?

Back pain has long ceased to be an ailment of only the elderly. Since working in front of a computer has become popular, it is estimated that up to 80% of the population complain of back pain, which is most often caused by back problems. Due to its enormous extent, this ailment is ranked as one of the leading diseases of civilisation worldwide (Source: The Economist). Doctors ...

Modern therapies

TRE exercises - do you know when they are worth using?

Nowadays, it is increasingly common to feel emotionally unbalanced and to struggle with stress and difficult emotions. Thanks to its simplicity and accessibility, TRE exercises are an interesting alternative and complement to traditional therapeutic methods in dealing with tension and stress.

Healthy lifestyle

Why does your neck hurt?

You know that feeling of sharp pain in the neck area? It can have a variety of sources. Sometimes the nature of the pain is short-lived and results from a sudden or abnormal movement of the head. In other cases, persistent pain can signal a serious medical condition. If neck pain persists for a long period of time, it is worth consulting your doctor or physiotherapist. A key element in treatment is. Continue reading

Medycyna holistyczna korzysta z ziołolecznictwa.

What are the characteristics of holistic medicine?

Holistic medicine is based on the assumption that the patient's body and the various spheres of his or her life form a whole. According to its principles, treatment is about restoring harmony in all these areas and not just about treating a specific part of the human body. The tradition of holistic medicine Holistic medicine has a centuries-old tradition. It was used, for example, in Chinese medicine. Also Hippocrates was ... Continue reading

Wady postawy można korygować odpowiednimi ćwiczeniami.

What are the most common postural defects in adults and how do we treat them?

Postural defects are abnormal postures that differ from physiology. Sometimes we are born with them, in which case they are congenital defects, or they develop in the body's structure during our lifetime. Then we speak of acquired defects. Postural defects are sometimes more and sometimes less visible. They can cause pain and sometimes even affect the ... Continue reading


When is rehabilitation needed?

We usually associate rehabilitation with the methods we undertake after an injury or serious injury. However, is this the only thing this field of medicine should be associated with? Rehabilitation is a therapeutic method that is important for patients who wish to regain their full fitness, but also to remain fit. Our specialists emphasise that it is indicated not only for injuries, but also... Continue reading

Spondylolisthesis - how to alleviate lumbar spine pain?

Pain in the lumbar spine can be extremely persistent and carry serious consequences. Some causes are non-threatening and resolve on their own, while others require specialist treatment. Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which the vertebrae of the spine move in relation to each other. Depending on the severity, it can be accompanied by back pain during everyday activities or even at night.... Continue reading

Migreny to bardzo dokuczliwe schorzenie.

Can physiotherapy help with migraines?

Migraines are one of the most frequent reasons for visits to doctors' surgeries or pharmacies. Unfortunately, the excessive use of prescribed painkillers for these conditions is associated with numerous side effects. However, there is a good chance that physiotherapy can help with persistent migraines. What are migraines? A migraine, also referred to as paroxysmal headaches, is a type of neurological disorder,... Continue reading